using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using rjw; using Verse; using Verse.AI; using RimWorld; using HarmonyLib; namespace Rimworld_Animations { [HarmonyPatch(typeof(JobGiver_JoinInBed), "TryGiveJob")] public static class HarmonyPatch_JoinInBedGiveJob { public static bool Prefix(ref Job __result, ref Pawn pawn) { __result = null; if (!RJWHookupSettings.HookupsEnabled) return false; if (pawn.Drafted) return false; if (!SexUtility.ReadyForHookup(pawn)) return false; // We increase the time right away to prevent the fairly expensive check from happening too frequently SexUtility.IncreaseTicksToNextHookup(pawn); // If the pawn is a whore, or recently had sex, skip the job unless they're really horny if (!xxx.is_frustrated(pawn) && (xxx.is_whore(pawn) || !SexUtility.ReadyForLovin(pawn))) return false; // This check attempts to keep groups leaving the map, like guests or traders, from turning around to hook up if (pawn.mindState?.duty?.def == DutyDefOf.TravelOrLeave) { // TODO: Some guest pawns keep the TravelOrLeave duty the whole time, I think the ones assigned to guard the pack animals. // That's probably ok, though it wasn't the intention. if (RJWSettings.DebugLogJoinInBed) Log.Message($"[RJW] JoinInBed.TryGiveJob:({xxx.get_pawnname(pawn)}): has TravelOrLeave, no time for lovin!"); return false; } if (pawn.CurJob == null || pawn.CurJob.def == JobDefOf.LayDown) { //--Log.Message(" checking pawn and abilities"); if (xxx.can_fuck(pawn) || xxx.can_be_fucked(pawn)) { //--Log.Message(" finding partner"); Pawn partner = JobGiver_JoinInBed.find_pawn_to_fuck(pawn, pawn.Map); //--Log.Message(" checking partner"); if (partner == null) return false; // Can never be null, since find checks for bed. Building_Bed bed = partner.CurrentBed(); // Interrupt current job. if (pawn.CurJob != null && != null); __result = JobMaker.MakeJob(DefDatabase.GetNamed("JoinInBedAnimation", true), partner, bed); return false; } } return false; } } }