using HarmonyLib; using RimWorld; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Verse; namespace Rimworld_Animations { //Head Rotation Code [HarmonyPatch(typeof(PawnRenderNode), "AppendRequests")] public static class HarmonyPatch_PawnRenderNode { //if rendernodetag is head, update PawnDrawParms so that head, and all children, are rotated for anim public static bool Prefix(ref PawnRenderNode __instance, ref PawnDrawParms parms) { if (__instance.AnimationWorker is AnimationWorker_KeyframesExtended extendedAnimWorker) { //INVIS IF ANIM CALLS FOR IT if (!extendedAnimWorker.visibleAtTick(__instance.tree.AnimationTick)) { __instance.requestRecache = true; return false; } // HEAD ROTATION ADJUST FACING Rot4 animFacing = extendedAnimWorker.facingAtTick(__instance.tree.AnimationTick); if (parms.facing != animFacing) { //requestRecache or else it won't update properly __instance.requestRecache = true; parms.facing = animFacing; } } return true; } } }