using HarmonyLib; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Reflection; using System.Reflection.Emit; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using UnityEngine; using Verse; using AlienRace; namespace Rimworld_Animations { [StaticConstructorOnStartup] public static class HarmonyPatch_AlienRace { static HarmonyPatch_AlienRace () { try { ((Action)(() => { if (LoadedModManager.RunningModsListForReading.Any(x => x.Name == "Humanoid Alien Races 2.0")) { (new Harmony("rjw")).Patch(AccessTools.Method(typeof(PawnGraphicSet), "ResolveApparelGraphics"), prefix: new HarmonyMethod(AccessTools.Method(typeof(HarmonyPatch_AlienRace), "Prefix_StopResolveAllGraphicsWhileSex"))); (new Harmony("rjw")).Patch(AccessTools.Method(AccessTools.TypeByName("AlienRace.HarmonyPatches"), "DrawAddons"), prefix: new HarmonyMethod(AccessTools.Method(typeof(HarmonyPatch_AlienRace), "Prefix_AnimateHeadAddons"))); } }))(); } catch (TypeLoadException ex) { } } public static bool Prefix_StopResolveAllGraphicsWhileSex(ref Pawn ___pawn) { if(___pawn.TryGetComp() != null && ___pawn.TryGetComp().isAnimating) { return false; } return true; } public static bool Prefix_AnimateHeadAddons(bool portrait, Vector3 vector, Pawn pawn, Quaternion quat, Rot4 rotation, bool invisible) { if (portrait || pawn.TryGetComp() == null || !pawn.TryGetComp().isAnimating) return true; if (!(pawn.def is ThingDef_AlienRace alienProps) || invisible) return false; List addons = alienProps.alienRace.generalSettings.alienPartGenerator.bodyAddons; AlienPartGenerator.AlienComp alienComp = pawn.GetComp(); CompBodyAnimator pawnAnimator = pawn.TryGetComp(); for (int i = 0; i < addons.Count; i++) { AlienPartGenerator.BodyAddon ba = addons[index: i]; if (!ba.CanDrawAddon(pawn: pawn)) continue; AlienPartGenerator.RotationOffset offset; if (ba.drawnInBed) { offset = pawnAnimator.headFacing == Rot4.South ? ba.offsets.south : pawnAnimator.headFacing == Rot4.North ? ba.offsets.north : pawnAnimator.headFacing == Rot4.East ? ba.offsets.east : ba.offsets.west; } else { offset = rotation == Rot4.South ? ba.offsets.south : rotation == Rot4.North ? ba.offsets.north : rotation == Rot4.East ? ba.offsets.east : ba.offsets.west; } Vector2 bodyOffset = (portrait ? offset?.portraitBodyTypes ?? offset?.bodyTypes : offset?.bodyTypes)?.FirstOrDefault(predicate: to => to.bodyType == pawn.story.bodyType) ?.offset ??; Vector2 crownOffset = (portrait ? offset?.portraitCrownTypes ?? offset?.crownTypes : offset?.crownTypes)?.FirstOrDefault(predicate: to => to.crownType == alienComp.crownType) ?.offset ??; //Defaults for tails //south 0.42f, -0.3f, -0.22f //north 0f, 0.3f, -0.55f //east -0.42f, -0.3f, -0.22f float moffsetX = 0.42f; float moffsetZ = -0.22f; float moffsetY = ba.inFrontOfBody ? 0.3f + ba.layerOffset : -0.3f - ba.layerOffset; float num = ba.angle; if ((ba.drawnInBed ? pawnAnimator.headFacing : rotation) == Rot4.North) { moffsetX = 0f; if (ba.layerInvert) moffsetY = -moffsetY; moffsetZ = -0.55f; num = 0; } moffsetX += bodyOffset.x + crownOffset.x; moffsetZ += bodyOffset.y + crownOffset.y; if ((ba.drawnInBed ? pawnAnimator.headFacing : rotation) == Rot4.East) { moffsetX = -moffsetX; num = -num; //Angle } Vector3 offsetVector = new Vector3(x: moffsetX, y: moffsetY, z: moffsetZ); //Angle calculation to not pick the shortest, taken from Quaternion.Angle and modified //assume drawnInBed means headAddon if (ba.drawnInBed && pawn.TryGetComp() != null && pawn.TryGetComp().isAnimating) { Quaternion headQuatInAnimation = Quaternion.AngleAxis(pawnAnimator.headAngle, Vector3.up); Rot4 headRotInAnimation = pawnAnimator.headFacing; Vector3 headPositionInAnimation = pawnAnimator.getPawnHeadPosition() - pawn.Drawer.renderer.BaseHeadOffsetAt(pawnAnimator.headFacing).RotatedBy(angle: Mathf.Acos(f: Quaternion.Dot(a: Quaternion.identity, b: headQuatInAnimation)) * 2f * 57.29578f); GenDraw.DrawMeshNowOrLater(mesh: alienComp.addonGraphics[index: i].MeshAt(rot: headRotInAnimation), loc: headPositionInAnimation + offsetVector.RotatedBy(angle: Mathf.Acos(f: Quaternion.Dot(a: Quaternion.identity, b: headQuatInAnimation)) * 2f * 57.29578f), quat: Quaternion.AngleAxis(angle: num, axis: Vector3.up) * headQuatInAnimation, mat: alienComp.addonGraphics[index: i].MatAt(rot: pawnAnimator.headFacing), drawNow: portrait); } else { Quaternion addonRotation = quat; if (AnimationSettings.controlGenitalRotation && pawnAnimator.controlGenitalAngle && ba.hediffGraphics[0] != null && (ba.hediffGraphics[0].path.Contains("Penis") || ba.hediffGraphics[0].path.Contains("penis"))) { addonRotation = Quaternion.AngleAxis(angle: pawnAnimator.genitalAngle, axis: Vector3.up); } GenDraw.DrawMeshNowOrLater(mesh: alienComp.addonGraphics[index: i].MeshAt(rot: rotation), loc: vector + offsetVector.RotatedBy(angle: Mathf.Acos(f: Quaternion.Dot(a: Quaternion.identity, b: quat)) * 2f * 57.29578f), quat: Quaternion.AngleAxis(angle: num, axis: Vector3.up) * addonRotation, mat: alienComp.addonGraphics[index: i].MatAt(rot: rotation), drawNow: portrait); } } return false; } } }