using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Reflection; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using RimWorld; using rjw; using UnityEngine; using Verse; using Verse.Sound; namespace Rimworld_Animations { class CompBodyAnimator : ThingComp { public Pawn pawn => base.parent as Pawn; public PawnGraphicSet Graphics; public CompProperties_BodyAnimator Props => (CompProperties_BodyAnimator)(object)base.props; public bool isAnimating { get { return Animating; } set { Animating = value; if(value == true) { SexUtility.DrawNude(pawn); } else {; } PortraitsCache.SetDirty(pawn); } } private bool Animating = false; private bool mirror = false, quiver = false, shiver = false; private int actor; private int lastDrawFrame = -1; private int animTicks = 0, stageTicks = 0, clipTicks = 0; private int curStage = 0; private float clipPercent = 0; public Vector3 anchor =, deltaPos =, headBob =; public float bodyAngle = 0, headAngle = 0, genitalAngle = 0; public Rot4 headFacing = Rot4.North, bodyFacing = Rot4.North; public bool controlGenitalAngle = false; private AnimationDef anim; private AnimationStage stage => anim.animationStages[curStage]; private PawnAnimationClip clip => (PawnAnimationClip)stage.animationClips[actor]; public bool Mirror { get { return mirror; } } public void setAnchor(IntVec3 pos) { anchor = pos.ToVector3Shifted(); } public void setAnchor(Thing thing) { //center on bed if(thing is Building_Bed) { anchor = thing.Position.ToVector3(); if (((Building_Bed)thing).SleepingSlotsCount == 2) { if (thing.Rotation.AsInt == 0) { anchor.x += 1; anchor.z += 1; } else if (thing.Rotation.AsInt == 1) { anchor.x += 1; } else if(thing.Rotation.AsInt == 3) { anchor.z += 1; } } else { if(thing.Rotation.AsInt == 0) { anchor.x += 0.5f; anchor.z += 1f; } else if(thing.Rotation.AsInt == 1) { anchor.x += 1f; anchor.z += 0.5f; } else if(thing.Rotation.AsInt == 2) { anchor.x += 0.5f; } else { anchor.z += 0.5f; } } } else { anchor = thing.Position.ToVector3Shifted(); } } public void StartAnimation(AnimationDef anim, int actor, bool mirror = false, bool shiver = false, bool fastAnimForQuickie = false) { AlienRaceOffset raceOffset = anim?.actors[actor]?.raceOffsets?.Find(x => x.defName == pawn.def.defName); if (raceOffset != null) { anchor.x += mirror ? raceOffset.offset.x * -1f : raceOffset.offset.x; anchor.z += raceOffset.offset.y; } //change the offset based on pawn body type if(pawn?.story?.bodyType != null) { if (pawn.story.bodyType == BodyTypeDefOf.Fat && anim?.actors[actor]?.bodyTypeOffset?.Fat != null) { anchor.x += anim.actors[actor].bodyTypeOffset.Fat.Value.x * (mirror ? -1f : 1f); anchor.z += anim.actors[actor].bodyTypeOffset.Fat.Value.y; } else if (pawn.story.bodyType == BodyTypeDefOf.Female && anim?.actors[actor]?.bodyTypeOffset?.Female != null) { anchor.x += anim.actors[actor].bodyTypeOffset.Female.Value.x * (mirror ? -1f : 1f); anchor.z += anim.actors[actor].bodyTypeOffset.Female.Value.y; } else if (pawn.story.bodyType == BodyTypeDefOf.Male && anim?.actors[actor]?.bodyTypeOffset?.Male != null) { anchor.x += anim.actors[actor].bodyTypeOffset.Male.Value.x * (mirror ? -1f : 1f); anchor.z += anim.actors[actor].bodyTypeOffset.Male.Value.y; } else if (pawn.story.bodyType == BodyTypeDefOf.Thin && anim?.actors[actor]?.bodyTypeOffset?.Thin != null) { anchor.x += anim.actors[actor].bodyTypeOffset.Thin.Value.x * (mirror ? -1f : 1f); anchor.z += anim.actors[actor].bodyTypeOffset.Thin.Value.y; } else if (pawn.story.bodyType == BodyTypeDefOf.Hulk && anim?.actors[actor]?.bodyTypeOffset?.Hulk != null) { anchor.x += anim.actors[actor].bodyTypeOffset.Hulk.Value.x * (mirror ? -1f : 1f); anchor.z += anim.actors[actor].bodyTypeOffset.Hulk.Value.y; } } = PawnPosture.Standing; = actor; this.anim = anim; this.mirror = mirror; curStage = fastAnimForQuickie ? 1 : 0; animTicks = 0; stageTicks = 0; clipTicks = 0; quiver = false; this.shiver = shiver && AnimationSettings.rapeShiver; controlGenitalAngle = anim.actors[actor].controlGenitalAngle; isAnimating = true; //tick once for initialization tickAnim(); } public override void CompTick() { base.CompTick(); if(isAnimating) { if (pawn.Dead || pawn?.jobs?.curDriver == null || (pawn?.jobs?.curDriver != null && !(pawn?.jobs?.curDriver is rjw.JobDriver_Sex))) { isAnimating = false; } else { tickAnim(); } } } public void animatePawn(ref Vector3 rootLoc, ref float angle, ref Rot4 bodyFacing, ref Rot4 headFacing) { if(!isAnimating) { return; } rootLoc = anchor + deltaPos; angle = bodyAngle; bodyFacing = this.bodyFacing; headFacing = this.headFacing; } public void tickGraphics(PawnGraphicSet graphics) { this.Graphics = graphics; } public void tickAnim() { if (!isAnimating) return; animTicks++; if (animTicks < anim.animationTimeTicks) { tickStage(); } else { isAnimating = false; } } public void tickStage() { stageTicks++; if(stageTicks >= stage.playTimeTicks) { curStage++; stageTicks = 0; clipTicks = 0; clipPercent = 0; } if(curStage >= anim.animationStages.Count) { isAnimating = false;; } else { tickClip(); } } public void tickClip() { clipTicks++; //play sound effect if(rjw.RJWSettings.sounds_enabled && clip.SoundEffects.ContainsKey(clipTicks) && AnimationSettings.soundOverride) { SoundDef.Named(clip.SoundEffects[clipTicks]).PlayOneShot(new TargetInfo(pawn.Position, pawn.Map)); if (AnimationSettings.applySemenOnAnimationOrgasm && (pawn?.jobs?.curDriver is JobDriver_Sex) && clip.SoundEffects[clipTicks] == "Cum") { Pawn partner = ( as JobDriver_Sex)?.Partner; if(anim.sexTypes.Contains(( as JobDriver_Sex).sexType)) { SemenHelper.calculateAndApplySemen(pawn, partner, ( as JobDriver_Sex).sexType); } } } if(AnimationSettings.orgasmQuiver && clip.quiver.ContainsKey(clipTicks)) { quiver = clip.quiver[clipTicks]; } //loop animation if possible if (clipPercent >= 1 && stage.isLooping) { clipTicks = 1;//warning: don't set to zero or else calculations go wrong } clipPercent = (float)clipTicks / (float)clip.duration; calculateDrawValues(); } public void calculateDrawValues() { /*if(Find.TickManager.TickRateMultiplier > 1 && (lastDrawFrame + 1 >= RealTime.frameCount || RealTime.deltaTime < 0.05f)) { return; }*/ deltaPos = new Vector3(clip.BodyOffsetX.Evaluate(clipPercent) * (mirror ? -1 : 1), clip.layer.AltitudeFor(), clip.BodyOffsetZ.Evaluate(clipPercent)); if (AnimationSettings.offsets != null && AnimationSettings.offsets.ContainsKey(CurrentAnimation.defName + pawn.def.defName + ActorIndex)) { deltaPos.x += AnimationSettings.offsets[CurrentAnimation.defName + pawn.def.defName + ActorIndex].x * (mirror ? -1 : 1); deltaPos.z += AnimationSettings.offsets[CurrentAnimation.defName + pawn.def.defName + ActorIndex].y; } bodyAngle = (clip.BodyAngle.Evaluate(clipPercent) + (quiver || shiver ? ((Rand.Value * AnimationSettings.shiverIntensity) - (AnimationSettings.shiverIntensity / 2f)) : 0f)) * (mirror ? -1 : 1); headAngle = clip.HeadAngle.Evaluate(clipPercent) * (mirror ? -1 : 1); if (controlGenitalAngle) { genitalAngle = clip.GenitalAngle.Evaluate(clipPercent) * (mirror ? -1 : 1); } if (AnimationSettings.rotation != null && AnimationSettings.rotation.ContainsKey(CurrentAnimation.defName + pawn.def.defName + ActorIndex)) { float offsetRotation = AnimationSettings.rotation[CurrentAnimation.defName + pawn.def.defName + ActorIndex] * (Mirror ? -1 : 1); genitalAngle += offsetRotation; bodyAngle += offsetRotation; headAngle += offsetRotation; } //don't go past 360 or less than 0 if (bodyAngle < 0) bodyAngle = 360 - ((-1f*bodyAngle) % 360); if (bodyAngle > 360) bodyAngle %= 360; if (headAngle < 0) headAngle = 360 - ((-1f * headAngle) % 360); if (headAngle > 360) headAngle %= 360; if (genitalAngle < 0) genitalAngle = 360 - ((-1f * genitalAngle) % 360); if (genitalAngle > 360) genitalAngle %= 360; bodyFacing = mirror ? new Rot4((int)clip.BodyFacing.Evaluate(clipPercent)).Opposite : new Rot4((int)clip.BodyFacing.Evaluate(clipPercent)); bodyFacing = new Rot4((int)clip.BodyFacing.Evaluate(clipPercent)); if(bodyFacing.IsHorizontal && mirror) { bodyFacing = bodyFacing.Opposite; } headFacing = new Rot4((int)clip.HeadFacing.Evaluate(clipPercent)); if(headFacing.IsHorizontal && mirror) { headFacing = headFacing.Opposite; } headBob = new Vector3(0, 0, clip.HeadBob.Evaluate(clipPercent)); lastDrawFrame = RealTime.frameCount; } public Vector3 getPawnHeadPosition() { Vector3 headPos = anchor + deltaPos + Quaternion.AngleAxis(bodyAngle, Vector3.up) * (pawn.Drawer.renderer.BaseHeadOffsetAt(headFacing) + headBob); return headPos; } public AnimationDef CurrentAnimation { get { return anim; } } public int ActorIndex { get { return actor; } } public override void PostExposeData() { base.PostExposeData(); Scribe_Defs.Look(ref anim, "anim"); Scribe_Values.Look(ref animTicks, "animTicks", 1); Scribe_Values.Look(ref stageTicks, "stageTicks", 1); Scribe_Values.Look(ref clipTicks, "clipTicks", 1); Scribe_Values.Look(ref clipPercent, "clipPercent", 1); Scribe_Values.Look(ref mirror, "mirror"); Scribe_Values.Look(ref curStage, "curStage", 0); Scribe_Values.Look(ref actor, "actor"); Scribe_Values.Look(ref Animating, "Animating"); Scribe_Values.Look(ref anchor, "anchor"); Scribe_Values.Look(ref deltaPos, "deltaPos"); Scribe_Values.Look(ref headBob, "headBob"); Scribe_Values.Look(ref bodyAngle, "bodyAngle"); Scribe_Values.Look(ref headAngle, "headAngle"); Scribe_Values.Look(ref genitalAngle, "GenitalAngle"); Scribe_Values.Look(ref controlGenitalAngle, "controlGenitalAngle"); Scribe_Values.Look(ref headFacing, "headFacing"); Scribe_Values.Look(ref headFacing, "bodyFacing"); Scribe_Values.Look(ref quiver, "orgasmQuiver"); } } }