using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using HarmonyLib; using RimWorld; using Verse; using rjw; using Verse.AI; namespace Rimworld_Animations { [HarmonyPatch(typeof(Bed_Utility), "in_same_bed")] public static class HarmonyPatch_JobDriver_InSameBedPatch { public static bool Prefix(Pawn partner, ref bool __result) { if(partner != null && partner.CurJobDef == xxx.casual_sex) { __result = true; return false; } return true; } } [HarmonyPatch(typeof(JobDriver_JoinInBed), "MakeNewToils")] public static class HarmonyPatch_JobDriver_JoinInBed { public static void Postfix(JobDriver_JoinInBed __instance, ref IEnumerable __result) { var toils = __result.ToList(); Toil goToPawnInBed = Toils_Goto.GotoThing(__instance.iTarget, PathEndMode.OnCell); goToPawnInBed.FailOn(() => !RestUtility.InBed(__instance.Partner) && __instance.Partner.CurJobDef != xxx.gettin_loved && !Bed_Utility.in_same_bed(__instance.Partner, __instance.pawn)); toils[1] = goToPawnInBed; Toil startPartnerSex = new Toil(); startPartnerSex.initAction = delegate { if (!( is JobDriver_SexBaseReciever)) // allows threesomes { Job gettinLovedJob = JobMaker.MakeJob(xxx.gettin_loved, __instance.pawn, __instance.Bed); // new gettin loved toil that wakes up the pawn goes here;; } }; toils[2] = startPartnerSex; toils[3].AddPreTickAction(() => { if (!CompBodyAnimator.IsAnimating(__instance.Partner)) { __instance.pawn.TryGetComp().isAnimating = false; } }); __result = toils.AsEnumerable(); } } }