using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Verse; namespace Rimworld_Animations { public class PawnRenderNode_GraphicHediffVariants : PawnRenderNode_GraphicVariants { protected new PawnRenderNodeProperties_GraphicHediffVariants props; private HediffDef curHediff; public PawnRenderNode_GraphicHediffVariants(Pawn pawn, PawnRenderNodeProperties props, PawnRenderTree tree) : base(pawn, props, tree) { this.props = (PawnRenderNodeProperties_GraphicHediffVariants)props; } protected override Dictionary GraphicVariantsFor(Pawn pawn) { //for each different hediff-based texpathvariants, foreach (TexPathVariants_Hediff texPathVariant_Hediff in props.hediffVariants) { //for all the hediffs corresponding to that texpathvariant, foreach (HediffDef hediffDef in texPathVariant_Hediff.hediffs) { //if the pawn has that hediff, if ( hediff) => hediff.def == hediffDef)) { //return that specific variant curHediff = hediff.def; return GenerateVariants(pawn, texPathVariant_Hediff.texPathVariantsDef); } } } //otherwise just use default curHediff = null; return base.GraphicVariantsFor(pawn); } protected override void EnsureMaterialsInitialized() { //if pawn no longer has the hediff, if (curHediff == null || ( is List hediffs && hediffs.Any((Hediff hediff) => hediff.def == curHediff))) { //redo graphicvariantsfor variants = GraphicVariantsFor(this.tree.pawn); } base.EnsureMaterialsInitialized(); } } }