using RimWorld; using rjw; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using UnityEngine; using Verse; namespace Rimworld_Animations { public class CompThingAnimator : ThingComp { Vector3 anchor; Pawn pawn; public bool isAnimating = false, mirror; int animTicks = 0, stageTicks = 0, clipTicks = 0, curStage = 0; float rotation = 0; float clipPercent = 0; public Vector3 deltaPos; AnimationDef anim; private ThingAnimationClip clip => (ThingAnimationClip)stage.animationClips[1]; private AnimationStage stage { get { return anim.animationStages[curStage]; } } public void StartAnimation(AnimationDef anim, Pawn pawn, bool mirror = false) { isAnimating = true; this.anim = anim; this.pawn = pawn; this.mirror = mirror; animTicks = 0; stageTicks = 0; clipTicks = 0; curStage = 0; clipPercent = 0; tickAnim(); } public void setAnchor(IntVec3 position) { anchor = position.ToVector3(); } public override void CompTick() { base.CompTick(); if(isAnimating) { if (pawn.Dead || pawn?.jobs?.curDriver == null || (pawn?.jobs?.curDriver != null && !(pawn?.jobs?.curDriver is rjw.JobDriver_Sex))) { isAnimating = false; } else { tickAnim(); } } } public void tickAnim() { if (!isAnimating) return; animTicks++; if (animTicks < anim.animationTimeTicks) { tickStage(); } else { if (LoopNeverending()) { ResetOnLoop(); } else { isAnimating = false; } } } public void tickStage() { if (stage == null) { isAnimating = false; return; } stageTicks++; if (stageTicks >= stage.playTimeTicks) { curStage++; stageTicks = 0; clipTicks = 0; clipPercent = 0; } if (curStage >= anim.animationStages.Count) { if (LoopNeverending()) { ResetOnLoop(); } else { isAnimating = false; } } else { tickClip(); } } public void tickClip() { clipTicks++; if (clipPercent >= 1 && stage.isLooping) { clipTicks = 1;//warning: don't set to zero or else calculations go wrong } clipPercent = (float)clipTicks / (float)clip.duration; calculateDrawValues(); } public void setAnchor(Thing thing) { //center on bed if (thing is Building_Bed) { anchor = thing.Position.ToVector3(); if (((Building_Bed)thing).SleepingSlotsCount == 2) { if (thing.Rotation.AsInt == 0) { anchor.x += 1; anchor.z += 1; } else if (thing.Rotation.AsInt == 1) { anchor.x += 1; } else if (thing.Rotation.AsInt == 3) { anchor.z += 1; } } else { if (thing.Rotation.AsInt == 0) { anchor.x += 0.5f; anchor.z += 1f; } else if (thing.Rotation.AsInt == 1) { anchor.x += 1f; anchor.z += 0.5f; } else if (thing.Rotation.AsInt == 2) { anchor.x += 0.5f; } else { anchor.z += 0.5f; } } } else { anchor = thing.Position.ToVector3Shifted(); } anchor -= new Vector3(0.5f, 0, 0.5f); } private void calculateDrawValues() { //shift up and right 0.5f to align center deltaPos = new Vector3((clip.PositionX.Evaluate(clipPercent)) * (mirror ? -1 : 1) + 0.5f, AltitudeLayer.Item.AltitudeFor(), clip.PositionZ.Evaluate(clipPercent) + 0.5f); //Log.Message("Clip percent: " + clipPercent + " deltaPos: " + deltaPos); rotation = clip.Rotation.Evaluate(clipPercent) * (mirror ? -1 : 1); } public void AnimateThing(Thing thing) { thing.Graphic.Draw(deltaPos + anchor, mirror ? Rot4.West : Rot4.East, thing, rotation); } public bool LoopNeverending() { if (pawn?.jobs?.curDriver != null && ( is JobDriver_Sex) && ( as JobDriver_Sex).neverendingsex) { return true; } return false; } public void ResetOnLoop() { curStage = 1; animTicks = 0; stageTicks = 0; clipTicks = 0; tickAnim(); } } }