Rimworld-Animation Patch AbstractConcept
  • 1.3
  • abscon.rimworld.animations.patch
  • brrainz.harmony Harmony steam://url/CommunityFilePage/2009463077 https://github.com/pardeike/HarmonyRimWorld/releases/latest
  • rim.job.world RimJobWorld https://www.loverslab.com/topic/110270-mod-rimjobworld/
  • c0ffee.rimworld.animations Rimworld-Animations https://gitgud.io/c0ffeeeeeeee/rimworld-animations
  • Dubwise.DubsApparelTweaks
  • UnlimitedHugs.HugsLib
  • brrainz.harmony
  • rim.job.world
  • c0ffee.rimworld.animations
  • shauaputa.rimnudeworld
  • OTYOTY.NudePatchForRimNudeWorld.UnofficialUpdate
  • babies.and.children.continued.13
  • This started as a patch for RimWorld-Animation, but has since grown to patch RJW and RimNudeWorld as well There's no real theme here. It just fixes a few things, changes some others, as well as making some additions! This mod requires RJW and RimWorld-Animation to function. RimNudeWorld isn't required, but is recommended. Let me know if you encounter any bugs Here's a brief overview of whats included in this mod - 12 animations for casual sex - 7 animations for solo masturbation - 2 animations for group sex - Animated hands for certain animations - A need for privacy during sex - Pawns will react differently to the different types of sex that they witness - their reaction depends on their trait and ideology - A range of tweaks to how body parts are displayed, particularly when wearing different types of apparel A full list of changes can be found in the main discussion thread on the forum Known conflicts - To avoid certain graphical issues, Dubs Apparel Tweaks should be loaded before this mod while Babies and Children should be loaded after (if you choose to use them). This will mean that you will not be able to run this mod with Dubs Apparel Tweaks and Babies and Children running at the same time - This mod will result in graphical errors when using Pawnmorpher's 'Pawn scaling' setting