2022-09-10 01:22:08 +00:00
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using UnityEngine;
using Verse;
using Verse.AI;
using Verse.AI.Group;
using RimWorld;
using rjw;
using Rimworld_Animations;
using HarmonyLib;
namespace Rimworld_Animations_Patch
public static class PawnExtension
public static bool IsInBed(this Pawn pawn, out Building bed)
bed = pawn.Position.GetThingList(pawn.Map).FirstOrDefault(x => x is Building_Bed) as Building;
return bed != null;
public static bool IsSeated(this Pawn pawn, out Building seat)
seat = pawn.Position.GetThingList(pawn.Map).FirstOrDefault(x => x is Building && x.def.building.isSittable) as Building;
return seat != null;
public static bool IsHavingSex(this Pawn pawn)
if (pawn?.jobs?.curDriver == null || pawn.Dead || pawn.jobs.curDriver is JobDriver_Sex == false)
{ return false; }
JobDriver_Sex jobdriver = pawn.jobs.curDriver as JobDriver_Sex;
return jobdriver.Partner != null && jobdriver.Partner != pawn;
public static bool IsMasturbating(this Pawn pawn)
if (pawn?.jobs?.curDriver == null || pawn.Dead || pawn.jobs.curDriver is JobDriver_Sex == false)
{ return false; }
JobDriver_Sex jobdriver = pawn.jobs.curDriver as JobDriver_Sex;
return jobdriver.Partner == null || jobdriver.Partner == pawn || (jobdriver.Partner is Pawn) == false;
public static Pawn GetSexInitiator(this Pawn pawn)
if (pawn?.jobs?.curDriver != null && pawn.Dead == false && pawn.jobs.curDriver is JobDriver_SexBaseInitiator)
{ return pawn; }
JobDriver_SexBaseReciever jobDriver = pawn.jobs.curDriver as JobDriver_SexBaseReciever;
if (jobDriver?.Partner?.jobs?.curDriver != null && jobDriver.Partner.Dead == false && jobDriver.Partner.jobs.curDriver is JobDriver_SexBaseInitiator)
{ return jobDriver.Partner; }
return null;
public static Pawn GetSexReceiver(this Pawn pawn)
if (pawn.jobs.curDriver is JobDriver_SexBaseReciever)
{ return pawn; }
JobDriver_SexBaseInitiator jobDriver = pawn.jobs.curDriver as JobDriver_SexBaseInitiator;
if (jobDriver?.Partner?.jobs?.curDriver != null && jobDriver.Partner.Dead == false && jobDriver.Partner.jobs.curDriver is JobDriver_SexBaseReciever)
{ return jobDriver.Partner; }
return null;
public static Pawn GetSexPartner(this Pawn pawn)
return (pawn.jobs.curDriver as JobDriver_Sex)?.Partner;
public static List<Pawn> GetAllSexParticipants(this Pawn pawn)
List<Pawn> participants = new List<Pawn>();
if (pawn?.jobs?.curDriver == null || (pawn.jobs.curDriver is JobDriver_Sex) == false)
{ return participants; }
if (pawn.GetSexReceiver() != null)
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List<Pawn> partners = (pawn.GetSexReceiver().jobs.curDriver as JobDriver_SexBaseReciever).parteners;
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if (partners != null)
foreach (Pawn partner in partners)
if (partner != null)
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{ participants = partners; break; }
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if (pawn.GetSexInitiator() != null)
Pawn partner = (pawn.GetSexInitiator().jobs.curDriver as JobDriver_SexBaseInitiator).Partner;
if (partner != null && partner.Dead == false)
{ participants.AddDistinct(partner); }
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// Sort participants according to actorID, if they have one
Dictionary<int, Pawn> _participants = new Dictionary<int, Pawn>();
int c = 99;
foreach (Pawn participant in participants)
ActorAnimationData data = pawn.GetAnimationData();
if (data != null)
int idx = data.actorID;
if (_participants.ContainsKey(data.actorID))
{ DebugMode.Message("ERROR: Somehow you ended up with two actors with the same actorID"); idx = ++c; }
_participants.Add(idx, participant);
{ _participants.Add(++c, participant); }
participants = _participants.Values.ToList();
//ActorAnimationData data = pawn.GetAnimationData();
//if (data != null)
//participants.SortBy(x => x.GetAnimationData() != null ? x.GetAnimationData().actorID : participants.IndexOf(x));
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return participants;
public static ActorAnimationData GetAnimationData(this Pawn pawn)
if (pawn.TryGetComp<CompBodyAnimator>() == null) return null;
if (pawn.TryGetComp<CompBodyAnimator>().isAnimating == false) return null;
AnimationDef animationDef = (AnimationDef)AccessTools.Field(typeof(CompBodyAnimator), "anim").GetValue(pawn.TryGetComp<CompBodyAnimator>());
int actorID = (int)AccessTools.Field(typeof(CompBodyAnimator), "actor").GetValue(pawn.TryGetComp<CompBodyAnimator>());
int currentStage = (int)AccessTools.Field(typeof(CompBodyAnimator), "curStage").GetValue(pawn.TryGetComp<CompBodyAnimator>());
int stageTicks = (int)AccessTools.Field(typeof(CompBodyAnimator), "stageTicks").GetValue(pawn.TryGetComp<CompBodyAnimator>());
Rot4 actorFacing = (Rot4)AccessTools.Field(typeof(CompBodyAnimator), "bodyFacing").GetValue(pawn.TryGetComp<CompBodyAnimator>());
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bool isMirrored = pawn.TryGetComp<CompBodyAnimator>().Mirror;
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return new ActorAnimationData(animationDef, actorID, currentStage, stageTicks, actorFacing, isMirrored);
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