
358 lines
15 KiB

using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using Verse;
using RimWorld;
using rjw;
namespace Rimworld_Animations_Patch
public class ApparelSettings : ModSettings
public static List<RimNudeData> rimNudeData = new List<RimNudeData>();
public static bool cropApparel = false;
public static bool clothesThrownOnGround = true;
public static RJWPreferenceSettings.Clothing apparelWornForQuickies = RJWPreferenceSettings.Clothing.Clothed;
public override void ExposeData()
Scribe_Values.Look(ref cropApparel, "cropApparel", false);
Scribe_Values.Look(ref clothesThrownOnGround, "clothesThrownOnGround", true);
Scribe_Values.Look(ref apparelWornForQuickies, "apparelWornForQuickies", RJWPreferenceSettings.Clothing.Clothed);
public static RimNudeData GetRimNudeData(Apparel apparel)
if (rimNudeData.NullOrEmpty())
{ ApparelSettingsUtility.ResetRimNudeData(rimNudeData); }
foreach (RimNudeData apparelData in rimNudeData)
if (apparelData.EquivalentTo(new RimNudeData(apparel.def)))
{ return apparelData; }
return null;
public class ApparelSettingsDisplay : Mod
private const float windowY = 250f;
private const float windowHeight = 360f;
private Vector2 scrollPosition;
private const float scrollBarWidthMargin = 18f;
private const float headerHeight = 48f;
private const float widgetWidth = 32f;
private const float widgetHeight = 32f;
private const float buttonWidth = 90f;
private const float buttonHeight = 32f;
private const float checkboxSize = 24f;
private const float labelWidth = 170f;
private const float labelHeight = 40f;
private const float rowHeight = 40f;
private const float halfColumnWidth = 40f;
private const float singleColumnWidth = 100f;
private const float doubleColumnWidth = 180f;
private static List<ThingDef> thingDefs = new List<ThingDef>();
public ApparelSettingsDisplay(ModContentPack content) : base(content)
public override void WriteSettings()
// Update all humanlike pawn graphics when settings window is closed
public void ApplySettings()
if (Current.ProgramState == ProgramState.Playing)
foreach (Pawn pawn in Current.Game.CurrentMap.mapPawns.AllPawns)
if (pawn.RaceProps.Humanlike && pawn.apparel.WornApparel.NullOrEmpty() == false)
{ pawn.Drawer.renderer.graphics.ResolveAllGraphics(); }
public override void DoSettingsWindowContents(Rect inRect)
// Settings list
Listing_Standard listingStandard;
listingStandard = new Listing_Standard();
listingStandard.Label("wearing_clothes_in_bed".Translate(), -1, "wearing_clothes_in_bed_desc".Translate());
if (Widgets.ButtonText(new Rect(inRect.width - 128f, 36f, 128f, 24f), RJWPreferenceSettings.sex_wear.ToString()))
List<FloatMenuOption> options = new List<FloatMenuOption>
new FloatMenuOption(RJWPreferenceSettings.Clothing.Clothed.ToString(), delegate()
{ RJWPreferenceSettings.sex_wear = RJWPreferenceSettings.Clothing.Clothed;
}, MenuOptionPriority.Default, null, null, 0f, null, null, true, 0),
new FloatMenuOption(RJWPreferenceSettings.Clothing.Headgear.ToString(), delegate()
{ RJWPreferenceSettings.sex_wear = RJWPreferenceSettings.Clothing.Headgear;
}, MenuOptionPriority.Default, null, null, 0f, null, null, true, 0),
new FloatMenuOption(RJWPreferenceSettings.Clothing.Nude.ToString(), delegate()
{ RJWPreferenceSettings.sex_wear = RJWPreferenceSettings.Clothing.Nude;
}, MenuOptionPriority.Default, null, null, 0f, null, null, true, 0),
}; Find.WindowStack.Add(new FloatMenu(options));
listingStandard.Label("wearing_clothes_for_quickies".Translate(), -1, "wearing_clothes_for_quickies_desc".Translate());
if (Widgets.ButtonText(new Rect(inRect.width - 128f, 60f, 128f, 24f), ApparelSettings.apparelWornForQuickies.ToString()))
List<FloatMenuOption> options = new List<FloatMenuOption>
new FloatMenuOption(RJWPreferenceSettings.Clothing.Clothed.ToString(), delegate()
{ ApparelSettings.apparelWornForQuickies = RJWPreferenceSettings.Clothing.Clothed;
}, MenuOptionPriority.Default, null, null, 0f, null, null, true, 0),
new FloatMenuOption(RJWPreferenceSettings.Clothing.Headgear.ToString(), delegate()
{ ApparelSettings.apparelWornForQuickies = RJWPreferenceSettings.Clothing.Headgear;
}, MenuOptionPriority.Default, null, null, 0f, null, null, true, 0),
new FloatMenuOption(RJWPreferenceSettings.Clothing.Nude.ToString(), delegate()
{ ApparelSettings.apparelWornForQuickies = RJWPreferenceSettings.Clothing.Nude;
}, MenuOptionPriority.Default, null, null, 0f, null, null, true, 0),
}; Find.WindowStack.Add(new FloatMenu(options));
listingStandard.CheckboxLabeled("clothes_thrown_on_ground".Translate(), ref ApparelSettings.clothesThrownOnGround, "clothes_thrown_on_ground_desc".Translate());
listingStandard.CheckboxLabeled("crop_apparel".Translate(), ref ApparelSettings.cropApparel, "crop_apparel_desc".Translate());
// Local variables
Rect rect = Find.WindowStack.currentlyDrawnWindow.windowRect.AtZero();
Rect tempRect = new Rect(0, 0, 0, 0);
float innerY = 0f;
float innerX = 0;
int num = 0;
bool isEnabled = false;
bool linkChangesChanged = false;
// Get a list of apparel of interest
if (thingDefs.NullOrEmpty())
{ thingDefs = ApparelSettingsUtility.GetApparelOfInterest(); }
// Ensure that all apparel has associated RimNudeData
if (ApparelSettings.rimNudeData.NullOrEmpty())
{ ApparelSettingsUtility.ResetRimNudeData(ApparelSettings.rimNudeData); }
// Add buttons to the top of the main window
innerX = halfColumnWidth;
// Apparel
tempRect = new Rect(innerX + SettingsUtility.Align(labelWidth, doubleColumnWidth), windowY - headerHeight - 5, labelWidth, headerHeight);
TooltipHandler.TipRegion(tempRect, "List of apparel that covers the legs and/or torso. This list can be sorted alphabetically or by the mod that added them.");
if (Widgets.ButtonText(tempRect, "Apparel"))
List<FloatMenuOption> options = new List<FloatMenuOption>
new FloatMenuOption("Sort by name", delegate()
{ thingDefs = thingDefs.OrderBy(x => x.label).ToList();
}, MenuOptionPriority.Default, null, null, 0f, null, null, true, 0),
new FloatMenuOption("Sort by mod", delegate()
{ thingDefs = ApparelSettingsUtility.GetApparelOfInterest();
}, MenuOptionPriority.Default, null, null, 0f, null, null, true, 0),
}; Find.WindowStack.Add(new FloatMenu(options));
}; innerX += doubleColumnWidth;
// Covers groin
tempRect = new Rect(innerX + SettingsUtility.Align(buttonWidth, singleColumnWidth), windowY - headerHeight - 5, buttonWidth, headerHeight);
TooltipHandler.TipRegion(tempRect, "Toggles whether genitials should be hidden when wearing this apparel.");
if (Widgets.ButtonText(tempRect, "Covers\ngroin"))
List<FloatMenuOption> options = new List<FloatMenuOption>
new FloatMenuOption("Set all 'true'", delegate()
{ ApparelSettingsUtility.SetAllCoversGroin(ApparelSettings.rimNudeData, true);
}, MenuOptionPriority.Default, null, null, 0f, null, null, true, 0),
new FloatMenuOption("Set all 'false'", delegate()
{ ApparelSettingsUtility.SetAllCoversGroin(ApparelSettings.rimNudeData, false);
}, MenuOptionPriority.Default, null, null, 0f, null, null, true, 0),
}; Find.WindowStack.Add(new FloatMenu(options));
}; innerX += singleColumnWidth;
// Covers belly
tempRect = new Rect(innerX + SettingsUtility.Align(buttonWidth, singleColumnWidth), windowY - headerHeight - 5, buttonWidth, headerHeight);
TooltipHandler.TipRegion(tempRect, "Toggles whether an enlarged belly should be hidden when wearing this apparel.");
if (Widgets.ButtonText(tempRect, "Covers\nbelly"))
List<FloatMenuOption> options = new List<FloatMenuOption>
new FloatMenuOption("Set all 'true'", delegate()
{ ApparelSettingsUtility.SetAllCoversBelly(ApparelSettings.rimNudeData, true);
}, MenuOptionPriority.Default, null, null, 0f, null, null, true, 0),
new FloatMenuOption("Set all 'false'", delegate()
{ ApparelSettingsUtility.SetAllCoversBelly(ApparelSettings.rimNudeData, false);
}, MenuOptionPriority.Default, null, null, 0f, null, null, true, 0),
}; Find.WindowStack.Add(new FloatMenu(options));
}; innerX += singleColumnWidth;
// Covers belly
tempRect = new Rect(innerX + SettingsUtility.Align(buttonWidth, singleColumnWidth), windowY - headerHeight - 5, buttonWidth, headerHeight);
TooltipHandler.TipRegion(tempRect, "Toggles whether this apparel conceals breasts.");
if (Widgets.ButtonText(tempRect, "Covers\nbreasts"))
List<FloatMenuOption> options = new List<FloatMenuOption>
new FloatMenuOption("Set all 'true'", delegate()
{ ApparelSettingsUtility.SetAllCoversChest(ApparelSettings.rimNudeData, true);
}, MenuOptionPriority.Default, null, null, 0f, null, null, true, 0),
new FloatMenuOption("Set all 'false'", delegate()
{ ApparelSettingsUtility.SetAllCoversChest(ApparelSettings.rimNudeData, false);
}, MenuOptionPriority.Default, null, null, 0f, null, null, true, 0),
}; Find.WindowStack.Add(new FloatMenu(options));
}; innerX += singleColumnWidth;
// Sex wear
tempRect = new Rect(innerX + SettingsUtility.Align(buttonWidth, singleColumnWidth), windowY - headerHeight - 5, buttonWidth, headerHeight);
TooltipHandler.TipRegion(tempRect, "Toggles whether this piece of apparel should always be kept on during lovin'");
if (Widgets.ButtonText(tempRect, "Sex-wear"))
List<FloatMenuOption> options = new List<FloatMenuOption>
new FloatMenuOption("Set all 'true'", delegate()
{ ApparelSettingsUtility.SetAllSexWear(ApparelSettings.rimNudeData, true);
}, MenuOptionPriority.Default, null, null, 0f, null, null, true, 0),
new FloatMenuOption("Set all 'false'", delegate()
{ ApparelSettingsUtility.SetAllSexWear(ApparelSettings.rimNudeData, false);
}, MenuOptionPriority.Default, null, null, 0f, null, null, true, 0),
}; Find.WindowStack.Add(new FloatMenu(options));
}; innerX += singleColumnWidth;
// Reset button
tempRect = new Rect(innerX + SettingsUtility.Align(buttonWidth, singleColumnWidth), windowY - headerHeight - 5, buttonWidth, headerHeight);
TooltipHandler.TipRegion(tempRect, "Returns all values in this table to their default state.");
if (Widgets.ButtonText(tempRect, "Reset to\ndefaults"))
{ ApparelSettingsUtility.ResetRimNudeData(ApparelSettings.rimNudeData); }; innerX += singleColumnWidth + scrollBarWidthMargin;
// Determine the height of the scrollable area
int apparelCount = thingDefs.Count;
float totalContentHeight = rowHeight * (float)apparelCount;
// Create a rect for the scroll window
var contentRect = new Rect(0f, windowY, innerX, windowHeight);
// Determine if the scroll will be visible
bool scrollBarVisible = totalContentHeight > contentRect.height;
// Create a rect for the scrollable area
var scrollViewTotal = new Rect(0f, 0f, innerX - (scrollBarVisible ? scrollBarWidthMargin : 0), totalContentHeight);
// Start of content for scrollable area
Widgets.BeginScrollView(contentRect, ref scrollPosition, scrollViewTotal);
foreach (ThingDef thingDef in thingDefs)
isEnabled = false;
bool changeHappened = false;
innerX = 0;
innerY = (float)num * (rowHeight);
RimNudeData rimNudeApparel = ApparelSettings.rimNudeData.First(x => x.EquivalentTo(new RimNudeData(thingDef)));
// Apparel symbol
Widgets.ThingIcon(new Rect(innerX + SettingsUtility.Align(widgetWidth, halfColumnWidth), innerY + SettingsUtility.Align(widgetHeight, rowHeight), widgetWidth, widgetHeight), thingDef, null, null, 1f, null);
innerX += halfColumnWidth;
// Apparel name
Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft;
Widgets.Label(new Rect(innerX + 10f, innerY + SettingsUtility.Align(labelHeight, rowHeight), labelWidth, labelHeight), thingDef.label.CapitalizeFirst()); innerX += doubleColumnWidth;
Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.UpperLeft;
// Hide groin checkbox
if (thingDef.apparel.bodyPartGroups.Contains(BodyPartGroupDefOf.Legs) || thingDef.apparel.bodyPartGroups.Contains(PatchBodyPartGroupDefOf.GenitalsBPG))
isEnabled = rimNudeApparel.coversGroin;
Widgets.Checkbox(innerX + SettingsUtility.Align(checkboxSize, singleColumnWidth), innerY + SettingsUtility.Align(checkboxSize, rowHeight), ref isEnabled, checkboxSize, false, true, null, null);
if (isEnabled != rimNudeApparel.coversGroin) { changeHappened = true; }
rimNudeApparel.coversGroin = isEnabled;
}; innerX += singleColumnWidth;
// Hide belly checkbox
if (thingDef.apparel.bodyPartGroups.Contains(BodyPartGroupDefOf.Torso))
isEnabled = rimNudeApparel.coversBelly;
Widgets.Checkbox(innerX + SettingsUtility.Align(checkboxSize, singleColumnWidth), innerY + SettingsUtility.Align(checkboxSize, rowHeight), ref isEnabled, checkboxSize, false, true, null, null);
if (isEnabled != rimNudeApparel.coversBelly) { changeHappened = true; }
rimNudeApparel.coversBelly = isEnabled;
}; innerX += singleColumnWidth;
// Covers bust checkbox
if (thingDef.apparel.bodyPartGroups.Contains(BodyPartGroupDefOf.Torso) || thingDef.apparel.bodyPartGroups.Contains(PatchBodyPartGroupDefOf.ChestBPG))
isEnabled = rimNudeApparel.coversChest;
Widgets.Checkbox(innerX + SettingsUtility.Align(checkboxSize, singleColumnWidth), innerY + SettingsUtility.Align(checkboxSize, rowHeight), ref isEnabled, checkboxSize, false, true, null, null);
if (isEnabled != rimNudeApparel.coversChest) { changeHappened = true; }
rimNudeApparel.coversChest = isEnabled;
}; innerX += singleColumnWidth;
// Is sex-wear checkbox
isEnabled = rimNudeApparel.sexWear;
Widgets.Checkbox(innerX + SettingsUtility.Align(checkboxSize, singleColumnWidth), innerY + SettingsUtility.Align(checkboxSize, rowHeight), ref isEnabled, checkboxSize, false, true, null, null);
if (isEnabled != rimNudeApparel.sexWear) { changeHappened = true; }
rimNudeApparel.sexWear = isEnabled;
innerX += singleColumnWidth;
// Update other body types if linked changed are enabled
if (BasicSettings.linkChanges && (changeHappened || linkChangesChanged))
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
RimNudeData _rimNudeApparel = ApparelSettings.rimNudeData.First(x => x.EquivalentTo(new RimNudeData(thingDef)));
_rimNudeApparel.coversGroin = rimNudeApparel.coversGroin;
_rimNudeApparel.coversBelly = rimNudeApparel.coversBelly;
_rimNudeApparel.coversChest = rimNudeApparel.coversChest;
_rimNudeApparel.sexWear = rimNudeApparel.sexWear;
public sealed override string SettingsCategory()
return "rimworld_animation_patch_apparelsettings".Translate();