97 lines
3.3 KiB
97 lines
3.3 KiB
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using Verse;
namespace Rimworld_Animations_Patch
public class BasicSettings : ModSettings
public static bool autoscaleDeltaPos = true;
public static bool allowUndressing = true;
public static bool clothesThrownOnGround = true;
public static float undressingInPrivateDegree = 0.8f;
public static float undressingInPublicDegree = 0.2f;
public override void ExposeData()
Scribe_Values.Look(ref autoscaleDeltaPos, "autoscaleDeltaPos", true);
Scribe_Values.Look(ref clothesThrownOnGround, "clothesThrownOnGround", true);
Scribe_Values.Look(ref allowUndressing, "allowUndressing", true);
Scribe_Values.Look(ref undressingInPrivateDegree, "undressingInPrivateDegree", 0.8f);
Scribe_Values.Look(ref undressingInPublicDegree, "undressingInPublicDegree", 0.2f);
public class BasicSettingsDisplay : Mod
public BasicSettingsDisplay(ModContentPack content) : base(content)
public override void DoSettingsWindowContents(Rect inRect)
Listing_Standard listingStandard;
listingStandard = new Listing_Standard();
listingStandard.Label("Misc Options");
listingStandard.CheckboxLabeled(" Auto-scale animations based on pawn body size", ref BasicSettings.autoscaleDeltaPos);
listingStandard.Label("Disrobing options");
listingStandard.CheckboxLabeled(" Animate pawn undressing", ref BasicSettings.allowUndressing);
if (BasicSettings.allowUndressing)
listingStandard.CheckboxLabeled(" Show discarded clothes on the floor", ref BasicSettings.clothesThrownOnGround);
listingStandard.Label(" Degree of disrobing when in bed (default is 0.80): " + BasicSettings.undressingInPrivateDegree.ToString("F"));
listingStandard.Label(" " + ReportOnDisrobingInPrivate());
BasicSettings.undressingInPrivateDegree = listingStandard.Slider(BasicSettings.undressingInPrivateDegree, 0f, 1f);
listingStandard.Label(" Degree of disrobing when out of bed (default is 0.20): " + BasicSettings.undressingInPublicDegree.ToString("F"));
listingStandard.Label(" " + ReportOnDisrobingInPublic());
BasicSettings.undressingInPublicDegree = listingStandard.Slider(BasicSettings.undressingInPublicDegree, 0f, 1f);
public string ReportOnDisrobing(float val)
string report;
if (val == 1) { report = "(Pawns will always fully disrobe)"; }
else if (val >= 0.6667) { report = "(Pawns prefer to fully disrobe)"; }
else if (val >= 0.3333) { report = "(Pawns like to keep some clothes on)"; }
else if (val > 0) { report = "(Pawns will keep most of their clothes on)"; }
else { report = "(Pawns will try to keep all of their clothes on)"; }
return report;
public string ReportOnDisrobingInPrivate()
return ReportOnDisrobing(BasicSettings.undressingInPrivateDegree);
public string ReportOnDisrobingInPublic()
return ReportOnDisrobing(BasicSettings.undressingInPublicDegree);
public override string SettingsCategory()
return "Rimworld Animations Patch - Basic settings";