AbstractConcept 0fcdce6dc1 v 1.2.1
2022-09-11 01:05:16 -05:00

52 lines
5.2 KiB

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<!-- Basic settings-->
<rimworld_animation_patch_basicsettings>Rimworld Animations Patch - Basic settings</rimworld_animation_patch_basicsettings>
<rimworld_animation_patch_apparelsettings>Rimworld Animations Patch - Clothing settings</rimworld_animation_patch_apparelsettings>
<rimworld_animation_patch_general>General Options</rimworld_animation_patch_general>
<need_privacy> People require privacy for lovin'</need_privacy>
<need_privacy_desc>If someone encounters another engaged in lovin' related activities, both individuals will feel embarrassed, depending on their traits and ideology.</need_privacy_desc>
<worry_about_infidelity> People will react if they encounter their partner cheating</worry_about_infidelity>
<worry_about_infidelity_desc>Their reaction depends on their traits and ideology. This is not considered committing taboo by default.</worry_about_infidelity_desc>
<worry_about_beastiality> People will react to beastiality</worry_about_beastiality>
<worry_about_beastiality_desc>Their reaction depends on their traits and ideology. This is considered committing a major taboo by default.</worry_about_beastiality_desc>
<worry_about_rape> People will react to rape</worry_about_rape>
<worry_about_rape_desc>Their reaction depends on their traits and ideology. This is considered committing a major taboo by default.</worry_about_rape_desc>
<ignore_slave_rape> People will ignore rape if the victim is a prisoner or slave</ignore_slave_rape>
<worry_about_necro> People will react to necrophilia</worry_about_necro>
<worry_about_necro_desc>Their reaction depends on their traits and ideology. This is considered committing a major taboo by default.</worry_about_necro_desc>
<worry_about_xeno> People will react to couplings between humanoids of different species</worry_about_xeno>
<worry_about_xeno_desc>Their reaction depends on their traits and ideology. This is not considered committing taboo by default.</worry_about_xeno_desc>
<major_taboo_can_start_fights> Witnessing a major taboo will result in an extreme reaction</major_taboo_can_start_fights>
<major_taboo_can_start_fights_desc>Individuals who witness something that seriously upsets them will cause them to flee, or even possibly attack the offender.</major_taboo_can_start_fights_desc>
<chance_for_other_to_join_in_sex> People who are lovin' have a chance to invite passersby to join them for some fun (default is 0.25)</chance_for_other_to_join_in_sex>
<chance_for_other_to_join_in_sex_desc>Note that setting this value to its maximum will not guarantee that this event will occur! It just maximises the chance of an invitation being made. All individuals involved must be attracted to / have a good opinion of each other, and the activity must not violate their traits or ideology. Set this value to zero to prevent these events from happening.</chance_for_other_to_join_in_sex_desc>
<hide_names_for_sex> Hide names when getting some lovin'</hide_names_for_sex>
<hide_names_for_sex_desc>May be useful if you find the names of your pawns cover up too much of the action.</hide_names_for_sex_desc>
<debug_mode> Turn on debugging console messages</debug_mode>
<debug_mode_desc>Only required for debugging purposes.</debug_mode_desc>
<rimworld_animation_patch_animation>Animation Options</rimworld_animation_patch_animation>
<autoscale_delta_pos> Auto-scale animation offsets based on body size</autoscale_delta_pos>
<autoscale_delta_pos_desc>Turning this setting on may help when using alien races which are much larger or smaller than regular humans.</autoscale_delta_pos_desc>
<show_hands> Add animated hands to animations</show_hands>
<show_hands_desc>Requires RimNudeWorld.</show_hands_desc>
<redraw_hair> Redraw hair in pawn portraits</redraw_hair>
<redraw_hair_desc>Helps prevent bodyparts from rendering over long hair in portraits. Disable this feature if you find two sets of hair appearing on your pawns or hair is being rendered over headgear.</redraw_hair_desc>
<rimworld_animation_patch_clothing>Clothing options</rimworld_animation_patch_clothing>
<crop_apparel> Crop the bottoms of worn shirts, tank tops, etc. when not wearing pants or a skirt</crop_apparel>
<crop_apparel_desc>Only applies to torso covering apparel that lies directly on the skin and that does not cover the legs. Best used with mods that draw pants graphics, like the Visible Pants mod.\n\nRequires that the game to be reset when toggled off.</crop_apparel_desc>
<clothes_thrown_on_ground> Show discarded clothing on the floor while getting some lovin'</clothes_thrown_on_ground>
<clothes_thrown_on_ground_desc>If a pawn undresses while lovin', these items of clothing will be piled on the floor nearby. This is a purely visual effect.</clothes_thrown_on_ground_desc>
<wearing_clothes_in_bed> Preferred state of dress for people lovin' in a bed</wearing_clothes_in_bed>
<wearing_clothes_in_bed_desc>Changing this will update the clothing preference setting in RJW (and vice versa).</wearing_clothes_in_bed_desc>
<wearing_clothes_for_quickies> Preferred state of dress for people having a quickie</wearing_clothes_for_quickies>
<wearing_clothes_for_quickies_desc>Nothing more to say.</wearing_clothes_for_quickies_desc>