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using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor.Collaboration;
using UnityEditor.Web;
using UnityEditor.Connect;
namespace UnityEditor
internal class WebViewStatic : ScriptableSingleton<WebViewStatic>
WebView m_WebView;
static public WebView GetWebView()
return instance.m_WebView;
static public void SetWebView(WebView webView)
instance.m_WebView = webView;
internal class CollabToolbarWindow : WebViewEditorStaticWindow, IHasCustomMenu
internal override WebView webView
get {return WebViewStatic.GetWebView(); }
set {WebViewStatic.SetWebView(value); }
private const string kWindowName = "Unity Collab Toolbar";
private static long s_LastClosedTime;
private static CollabToolbarWindow s_CollabToolbarWindow;
public static bool s_ToolbarIsVisible = false;
const int kWindowWidth = 320;
const int kWindowHeight = 350;
public static void CloseToolbar()
foreach (CollabToolbarWindow window in Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll<CollabToolbarWindow>())
[MenuItem("Window/Asset Management/Collab Toolbar", false /*IsValidateFunction*/, 2, true /* IsInternalMenu */)]
public static CollabToolbarWindow ShowToolbarWindow()
//Create a new window if it does not exist
if (s_CollabToolbarWindow == null)
s_CollabToolbarWindow = GetWindow<CollabToolbarWindow>(false, kWindowName) as CollabToolbarWindow;
return s_CollabToolbarWindow;
[MenuItem("Window/Asset Management/Collab Toolbar", true /*IsValidateFunction*/)]
public static bool ValidateShowToolbarWindow()
return true;
public static bool IsVisible()
return s_ToolbarIsVisible;
public static bool ShowCenteredAtPosition(Rect buttonRect)
buttonRect.x -= kWindowWidth / 2;
// We could not use realtimeSinceStartUp since it is set to 0 when entering/exitting playmode, we assume an increasing time when comparing time.
long nowMilliSeconds = System.DateTime.Now.Ticks / System.TimeSpan.TicksPerMillisecond;
bool justClosed = nowMilliSeconds < s_LastClosedTime + 50;
if (!justClosed)
// Method may have been triggered programmatically, without a user event to consume.
if (Event.current.type != EventType.Layout)
if (s_CollabToolbarWindow == null)
s_CollabToolbarWindow = CreateInstance<CollabToolbarWindow>() as CollabToolbarWindow;
var windowSize = new Vector2(kWindowWidth, kWindowHeight);
s_CollabToolbarWindow.initialOpenUrl = "file:///" + EditorApplication.userJavascriptPackagesPath + "unityeditor-collab-toolbar/dist/index.html";
s_CollabToolbarWindow.ShowAsDropDown(buttonRect, windowSize);
return true;
return false;
// Receives HTML title
public void OnReceiveTitle(string title)
titleContent.text = title;
public new void OnInitScripting()
public override void OnEnable()
minSize = new Vector2(kWindowWidth, kWindowHeight);
maxSize = new Vector2(kWindowWidth, kWindowHeight);
initialOpenUrl = "file:///" + EditorApplication.userJavascriptPackagesPath + "unityeditor-collab-toolbar/dist/index.html";
s_ToolbarIsVisible = true;
internal new void OnDisable()
s_LastClosedTime = System.DateTime.Now.Ticks / System.TimeSpan.TicksPerMillisecond;
if (s_CollabToolbarWindow)
s_ToolbarIsVisible = false;
s_CollabToolbarWindow = null;
public new void OnDestroy()