mirror of
synced 2024-08-15 00:43:27 +00:00
- Insert adds a new keyframe to the selected timeline - New stages have frames cloned from the last frame of current stage - Existing key are now replaced when another key is dropped on them - Fixed bug where starting a new animation could result in errors
288 lines
9.9 KiB
288 lines
9.9 KiB
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using UnityEngine;
namespace RimWorldAnimationStudio
public class Workspace : Singleton<Workspace>
public static AnimationDef animationDef;
public static int stageID = 0;
public static List<int> keyframeID = new List<int>();
[SerializeField] private List<WorkspaceRecord> workspaceHistory = new List<WorkspaceRecord>();
[SerializeField] private int maxHistoryDepth = 100;
public static ActorManipulationMode actorManipulationMode = ActorManipulationMode.Pan;
public static ActorBodyPart selectedBodyPart;
public static List<PawnKeyframe> copiedKeyframes = new List<PawnKeyframe>();
public static string animationSavePath;
private static int _actorID = 0;
public static int actorID { get { return Mathf.Clamp(_actorID, 0, animationDef.actors.Count - 1); } set { _actorID = value; } }
public static int StageWindowSize
if (animationDef == null)
{ return -1; }
if (animationDef.animationStages[stageID].stageWindowSize < 0)
{ animationDef.animationStages[stageID].stageWindowSize = animationDef.animationStages[stageID].animationClips.Select(x => x.duration).Max(); }
return animationDef.animationStages[stageID].stageWindowSize;
public PawnKeyframe GetCurrentPawnKeyframe(bool makeKeyframe = false)
int stageTick = AnimationController.Instance.stageTick;
PawnKeyframe keyframe = animationDef?.animationStages[stageID]?.animationClips[actorID]?.keyframes.FirstOrDefault(x => x.atTick == stageTick);
if (keyframe != null || makeKeyframe == false)
{ return keyframe; }
return animationDef?.animationStages[stageID]?.animationClips[actorID]?.keyframes.FirstOrDefault(x => x.atTick == stageTick);
public List<PawnKeyframe> GetPawnKeyframesAtTick(int actorID, int atTick)
return animationDef?.animationStages[stageID]?.animationClips[actorID]?.keyframes.Where(x => x.atTick == atTick)?.ToList();
public PawnAnimationClip GetCurrentPawnAnimationClip()
return animationDef.animationStages[stageID].animationClips[actorID];
public PawnAnimationClip GetPawnAnimationClip(int actorID)
return animationDef.animationStages[stageID].animationClips[actorID];
public PawnKeyframe GetPawnKeyframe(int actorID, int keyframeID)
if (stageID < 0) return null;
if (actorID < 0) return null;
if (stageID >= animationDef.animationStages.Count) return null;
if (actorID >= animationDef.animationStages[stageID].animationClips.Count) return null;
return animationDef.animationStages[stageID].animationClips[actorID].keyframes.FirstOrDefault(x => x.keyframeID == keyframeID);
public List<PawnKeyframe> GetPawnKeyframesByID(List<int> keyframeIDs)
List<PawnKeyframe> pawnKeyframes = new List<PawnKeyframe>();
foreach (PawnAnimationClip clip in animationDef.animationStages[stageID].animationClips)
foreach (PawnKeyframe keyframe in clip.keyframes)
if (keyframeIDs.Contains(keyframe.keyframeID))
{ pawnKeyframes.Add(keyframe); }
return pawnKeyframes;
public PawnAnimationClip GetAnimationClipThatOwnsKeyframe(int keyframeID, out int clipID)
clipID = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < animationDef.animationStages[stageID].animationClips.Count; i++)
PawnAnimationClip clip = animationDef.animationStages[stageID].animationClips[i];
if (clip.keyframes.Any(x => x.keyframeID == keyframeID))
clipID = i;
return clip;
return null;
public bool DoesPawnKeyframeExistAtTick(int stageID, int actorID, int atTick)
return animationDef.animationStages[stageID].animationClips[actorID].keyframes.Any(x => x.atTick == atTick);
public PawnKeyframe GetNextKeyframe(int actorID)
PawnKeyframe pawnKeyframe = null;
PawnAnimationClip clip = GetPawnAnimationClip(actorID);
int stageTick = AnimationController.Instance.stageTick;
foreach (PawnKeyframe keyframe in clip.keyframes)
if (keyframe.atTick > stageTick)
{ pawnKeyframe = keyframe; break; }
return pawnKeyframe;
public PawnKeyframe GetPreviousKeyframe(int actorID)
PawnKeyframe pawnKeyframe = null;
PawnAnimationClip clip = GetPawnAnimationClip(actorID);
int stageTick = AnimationController.Instance.stageTick;
foreach (PawnKeyframe keyframe in clip.keyframes)
if (keyframe.atTick < stageTick)
{ pawnKeyframe = keyframe; }
return pawnKeyframe;
public PawnKeyframe GetCurrentOrPreviousKeyframe(int actorID)
PawnKeyframe pawnKeyframe = null;
PawnAnimationClip clip = GetPawnAnimationClip(actorID);
int stageTick = AnimationController.Instance.stageTick;
foreach (PawnKeyframe keyframe in clip.keyframes)
if (keyframe.atTick <= stageTick)
{ pawnKeyframe = keyframe; }
return pawnKeyframe;
public static int FindClosestKeyFrameAtTick(int atTick, int searchDistance = int.MaxValue, int excludedActorID = -1)
List<PawnKeyframe> keyframesToCheck;
if (excludedActorID >= 0)
keyframesToCheck = animationDef.animationStages[stageID].animationClips.Where(x =>
animationDef.animationStages[stageID].animationClips.IndexOf(x) != excludedActorID).SelectMany(x => x.keyframes)?.ToList();
{ keyframesToCheck = animationDef.animationStages[stageID].animationClips.SelectMany(x => x.keyframes)?.ToList(); }
keyframesToCheck = keyframesToCheck.Where(x => Mathf.Abs(atTick - x.atTick.Value) <= searchDistance)?.ToList();
if (keyframesToCheck.NullOrEmpty())
{ return atTick; }
int minDist = int.MaxValue;
int bestAtTick = -1;
foreach (PawnKeyframe keyframe_ in keyframesToCheck)
if (Mathf.Abs(keyframe_.atTick.Value - atTick) < minDist)
minDist = Mathf.Abs(keyframe_.atTick.Value - atTick);
bestAtTick = keyframe_.atTick.Value;
return bestAtTick;
public int GetEarliestAtTickInCopiedKeyframes(int actorID)
IEnumerable<Keyframe> keyframes = copiedKeyframes.Where(x => x.actorID == actorID);
if (keyframes == null || keyframes.Any() == false) return -1;
return keyframes.Min(x => x.atTick).Value;
public LinkedList<WorkspaceRecord> pastSnapshots = new LinkedList<WorkspaceRecord>();
public LinkedList<WorkspaceRecord> futureSnapshots = new LinkedList<WorkspaceRecord>();
public void Reset()
actorID = 0;
stageID = 0;
selectedBodyPart = null;
public void MakeHistoricRecord(string eventDesc)
WorkspaceRecord record = new WorkspaceRecord();
record.recordID = pastSnapshots.Count;
record.eventDesc = eventDesc;
record.animationDef = animationDef.Copy();
record.stageID = stageID;
if (pastSnapshots.Count > maxHistoryDepth)
{ pastSnapshots.RemoveFirst(); }
public void RestoreToHistoricRecord(WorkspaceRecord record)
animationDef = record.animationDef.Copy();
stageID = record.stageID;
public void Undo()
WorkspaceRecord recordToRead = pastSnapshots.Last?.Previous?.Value;
WorkspaceRecord recordToStore = pastSnapshots.Last?.Value;
if (recordToRead == null || recordToStore == null) return;
Debug.Log("Undoing : " + recordToStore.eventDesc);
public void Redo()
WorkspaceRecord recordToReadAndStore = futureSnapshots.Last?.Value;
if (recordToReadAndStore == null) return;
Debug.Log("Redoing : " + recordToReadAndStore.eventDesc);
public void ClearHistory()
public void RecordEvent(string eventDesc)
//Debug.Log("Recording event: " + eventDesc + " (record ID: " + pastSnapshots.Count + ")");