
172 lines
6.4 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Xml;
using System.Xml.Serialization;
using UnityEngine;
namespace RimWorldAnimationStudio
public class AnimationDef
// Data to/from animationDef
public string defName;
public string label;
public bool sounds = true;
[XmlArray("sexTypes"), XmlArrayItem("li")] public List<string> sexTypes;
[XmlArray("interactionDefTypes"), XmlArrayItem("li")] public List<string> interactionDefTypes;
[XmlArray("actors"), XmlArrayItem("li")] public List<Actor> actors;
[XmlArray("animationStages"), XmlArrayItem("li")] public List<AnimationStage> animationStages;
// Data serialization control
public bool ShouldSerializesexTypes() { return sexTypes.NotNullOrEmpty(); }
public bool ShouldSerializeinteractionDefTypes() { return interactionDefTypes.NotNullOrEmpty(); }
public bool ShouldSerializeactors() { return actors.NotNullOrEmpty(); }
public bool ShouldSerializeanimationStages() { return animationStages.NotNullOrEmpty(); }
// Data helper functions
[XmlIgnore] public string DefName
get { return defName != null && defName != "" ? defName : "newAnimation"; }
set { defName = value; EventsManager.OnAnimationDefChanged(); }
[XmlIgnore] public string Label
get { return label != null && label != "" ? label : "newAnimation"; }
set { label = value; EventsManager.OnAnimationDefChanged(); }
[XmlIgnore] public List<string> SexTypes
get { return sexTypes.NullOrEmpty() ? sexTypes = new List<string>() : sexTypes; }
set { sexTypes = value.NotNullOrEmpty() ? value : null; EventsManager.OnAnimationDefChanged(); }
[XmlIgnore] public List<string> InteractionDefTypes
get { return interactionDefTypes.NullOrEmpty() ? interactionDefTypes = new List<string>() : interactionDefTypes; }
set { interactionDefTypes = value.NotNullOrEmpty() ? value : null; EventsManager.OnAnimationDefChanged(); }
[XmlIgnore] public List<Actor> Actors
get { return actors.NullOrEmpty() ? actors = new List<Actor>() : actors; }
set { actors = value.NotNullOrEmpty() ? value : null; EventsManager.OnAnimationDefChanged(); }
[XmlIgnore] public List<AnimationStage> AnimationStages
get { if (animationStages.NullOrEmpty()){ animationStages = new List<AnimationStage>(); } return animationStages; }
set { animationStages = value.NotNullOrEmpty() ? value : null; EventsManager.OnAnimationDefChanged(); }
// Local data
[XmlIgnore] public int animationTimeTicks { get { return AnimationStages.Sum(x => x.PlayTimeTicks); } }
[XmlIgnore] public int animationTimeTicksQuick { get { return AnimationStages.Sum(x => x.PlayTimeTicksQuick); } }
// Methods
public void Initialize()
foreach (AnimationStage stage in AnimationStages)
{ stage.Initialize(); }
public void AddActor()
if (Workspace.animationDef.Actors.Count >= 8)
Debug.LogWarning("Cannot add actor - the animation can only contain a maximum of eight actors.");
Actor actor = new Actor();
Workspace.ActorID = Workspace.animationDef.Actors.Count - 1;
foreach (AnimationStage stage in Workspace.animationDef.AnimationStages)
{ stage.AddAnimationClip(Workspace.ActorID); }
Workspace.RecordEvent("Actor addition");
public void RemoveActor()
if (Workspace.animationDef.Actors.Count == 1)
Debug.LogWarning("Cannot delete actor - the animation must contain at least one actor.");
foreach (AnimationStage stage in Workspace.animationDef.AnimationStages)
{ stage.AnimationClips.RemoveAt(Workspace.ActorID); }
Workspace.RecordEvent("Actor deletion");
public void AddAnimationStage()
AnimationStage stage = new AnimationStage();
foreach (Actor actor in Workspace.animationDef.Actors)
{ stage.AddAnimationClip(actor.GetActorID()); }
Workspace.RecordEvent("Stage addition");
public void CloneAnimationStage()
AnimationStage stage = Workspace.GetCurrentAnimationStage().Copy();
stage.StageName += " (Clone)";
Workspace.animationDef.AnimationStages.Insert(Workspace.StageID + 1, stage);
Workspace.RecordEvent("Stage clone");
public void MoveAnimationStage(int startIndex, int delta)
if (startIndex + delta < 0 || startIndex + delta >= AnimationStages.Count) return;
AnimationStage stage = AnimationStages[startIndex];
AnimationStages[startIndex] = Workspace.animationDef.AnimationStages[startIndex + delta];
AnimationStages[startIndex + delta] = stage;
Workspace.StageID = startIndex + delta;
Workspace.RecordEvent("Stage move");
public void RemoveAnimationStage()
if (Workspace.animationDef.AnimationStages.Count == 1)
Debug.LogWarning("Cannot delete animation stage - the animation must contain at least one animation stage.");
Workspace.RecordEvent("Stage deletion");
// Pre-save / post-load
public void OnPreSave()
SexTypes = SexTypes.Intersect(DefaultTags.sexTypes.Concat(CustomTags.sexTypes))?.ToList();
InteractionDefTypes = InteractionDefTypes.Intersect(DefaultTags.interactionDefTypes.Concat(CustomTags.interactionDefTypes))?.ToList();
public void OnPostLoad() { }