*** GUI (refer to 'quick_start.png') *** RED - These controls allow you to make a new animation (starts the scene with the minimum required for an animation), load an existing animation, or save the current animation. Race settings allows you to load in new graphics for animating different pawn types DARK GREEN - Basic undo / redo system PINK - Sets the basic properties for the AnimationDef BROWN - Add / remove an actor to / from the animation GOLD - Sets the basic properties of the currently selected actor LAVENDER - Allows you to change the appearance of an actor to pawn type defined in 'Allowed races'. Also includes global offset values for the selected race CYAN - If the selected actor is a humanoid, these controls allow you to change the actor's body type and set what the global offset for these different body types GREY - Resets the camera to its origin YELLOW - Actor 'click and drag' tools that allow you to change an actor's position, rotation and facing. Click and drag on the head or body addon to move just that part (if possible) ORANGE - Actor timelines and animation playback control panel. Allows you to play / pause the animation, set the current time (in ticks), change the length of the animation, toggle whether keyframes should be stretched when resizing the timelines, change the playback speed, and change what should happen when an animation ends. Actor keyframes can be drags around on their respective timelines. Actor order depends on the order of the timelines (the order can be changed using the arrow buttons) DARK BLUE - Displays console messages. The 'Console' button opens / closes the console message history and stack trace PURPLE - Allows you to add / clone / remove stages. Click on a stage in the list to switch to it and double-click a stage to rename it. Use the arrow buttons to change the stage order LIGHT BLUE - Allows you to clone or delete keyframes. A new keyframe will be created whenever an actor is moved, and one does not exist at that time point yet. Includes controls for positioning the actor, their head and appendages. Also allow you to mark keyframes in which an actor should quiver or make a sound. LIME: Determines the number of times the animation repeats itself before moving to the next stage. Has separate values for normal sex and quickies (set the quickie value to 0 to skip the stage during a quickie) *** Controls *** - Scroll wheel: Zoom in and out on the scene - Middle mouse button: Click and drag to pan about the scene - Left mouse: Everything else *** Keybinds - Left Ctrl + N: New animation - Left Ctrl + S: Save animation - Left Ctrl + L: Load animation - Left Ctrl + left mouse: Add clicked keyframe to the current selection - Left Ctrl + C: Clone all selected keyframes (can only clone one keyframe per actor at a time) - Left Ctrl + backspace / delete: Delete all selected keyframes - Left Ctrl + Z: Undo last action - Left Ctrl + Y: Redo last action - Left Shift: Hold to enable 'key snapping' - this will snap a dragged key to the same position as another key in an adjacent timeline *** Tips *** - If an animation fails to load, check to make sure there are no empty numeric values in the animation file (search for ‘>