using System; using System.Linq; using System.Threading; using UnityEditor.TestTools.TestRunner.CommandLineTest; using UnityEditor.TestTools.TestRunner.TestRun; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.TestRunner.TestLaunchers; using UnityEngine.TestTools; using UnityEngine.TestTools.NUnitExtensions; namespace UnityEditor.TestTools.TestRunner.Api { /// /// The TestRunnerApi retrieves and runs tests programmatically from code inside the project, or inside other packages. TestRunnerApi is a [ScriptableObject]( ///You can initialize the API like this: /// ``` /// var testRunnerApi = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance<TestRunnerApi>(); /// ``` /// Note: You can subscribe and receive test results in one instance of the API, even if the run starts from another instance. /// The TestRunnerApi supports the following workflows: /// - [How to run tests programmatically]( /// - [How to get test results]( /// - [How to retrieve the list of tests]( /// public class TestRunnerApi : ScriptableObject, ITestRunnerApi { internal ICallbacksHolder callbacksHolder; private ICallbacksHolder m_CallbacksHolder { get { if (callbacksHolder == null) { return CallbacksHolder.instance; } return callbacksHolder; } } internal Func ScheduleJob = (executionSettings) => { var runner = new TestJobRunner(); return runner.RunJob(new TestJobData(executionSettings)); }; /// /// Starts a test run with a given set of executionSettings. /// /// Set of /// A GUID that identifies the TestJobData. public string Execute(ExecutionSettings executionSettings) { if (executionSettings == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(executionSettings)); } if ((executionSettings.filters == null || executionSettings.filters.Length == 0) && executionSettings.filter != null) { // Map filter (singular) to filters (plural), for backwards compatibility. executionSettings.filters = new [] {executionSettings.filter}; } if (executionSettings.targetPlatform == null && executionSettings.filters != null && executionSettings.filters.Length > 0) { executionSettings.targetPlatform = executionSettings.filters[0].targetPlatform; } return ScheduleJob(executionSettings); } /// /// Sets up a given instance of to be invoked on test runs. /// /// /// Generic representing a type of callback. /// /// /// The test callbacks to be invoked. /// /// /// Sets the order in which the callbacks are invoked, starting with the highest value first. /// public void RegisterCallbacks(T testCallbacks, int priority = 0) where T : ICallbacks { if (testCallbacks == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(testCallbacks)); } m_CallbacksHolder.Add(testCallbacks, priority); } /// /// Unregister an instance of to no longer receive callbacks from test runs. /// /// /// Generic representing a type of callback. /// /// The test callbacks to unregister. public void UnregisterCallbacks(T testCallbacks) where T : ICallbacks { if (testCallbacks == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(testCallbacks)); } m_CallbacksHolder.Remove(testCallbacks); } internal void RetrieveTestList(ExecutionSettings executionSettings, Action callback) { if (executionSettings == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(executionSettings)); } var firstFilter = executionSettings.filters?.FirstOrDefault() ?? executionSettings.filter; RetrieveTestList(firstFilter.testMode, callback); } /// /// Retrieve the full test tree as ITestAdaptor for a given test mode. This is obsolete. Use TestRunnerApi.RetrieveTestTree instead. /// /// /// public void RetrieveTestList(TestMode testMode, Action callback) { if (callback == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(callback)); } var platform = ParseTestMode(testMode); var testAssemblyProvider = new EditorLoadedTestAssemblyProvider(new EditorCompilationInterfaceProxy(), new EditorAssembliesProxy()); var testAdaptorFactory = new TestAdaptorFactory(); var testListCache = new TestListCache(testAdaptorFactory, new RemoteTestResultDataFactory(), TestListCacheData.instance); var testListProvider = new TestListProvider(testAssemblyProvider, new UnityTestAssemblyBuilder()); var cachedTestListProvider = new CachingTestListProvider(testListProvider, testListCache, testAdaptorFactory); var job = new TestListJob(cachedTestListProvider, platform, (testRoot) => { callback(testRoot); }); job.Start(); } internal static bool IsRunActive() { return RunData.instance.isRunning; } private static TestPlatform ParseTestMode(TestMode testMode) { return (((testMode & TestMode.EditMode) == TestMode.EditMode) ? TestPlatform.EditMode : 0) | (((testMode & TestMode.PlayMode) == TestMode.PlayMode) ? TestPlatform.PlayMode : 0); } } }