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2022-01-15 07:19:54 +00:00
using AlienRace;
using AlienRace.ExtendedGraphics;
2022-01-15 07:19:54 +00:00
using HarmonyLib;
using RimWorld;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using Verse;
// The RevealingApparel mod extension allows us to add information to apparel that tells us if wearing an apparel item
// should also cover the body parts introduced by RNW. This way mod authors can make an apparel item that covers a pawn's
// torso but still draws their breasts or genitals.
2022-01-15 07:19:54 +00:00
namespace RevealingApparel
// This is the mod extension that people will use to add revealing information to their apparel defs.
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public class ApparelRevealingExtension : DefModExtension
// A list of RevealingExtensionEntry items, which describe what body parts are revealed when a pawn is wearing this apparel item
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public List<RevealingExtensionEntry> revealingBodyPartEntries = new List<RevealingExtensionEntry>();
// The entry class that describes what body parts are revealed
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public class RevealingExtensionEntry
// The path to the body part that is revealed.
// Examples include "Breasts/FeaturelessLeft" or "Genitals/FeaturelessCrotch"
public string revealingPath;
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// A list of pawn body types this entry applies to.
// Examples include "Female" or "Thin" or "Hulk"
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public List<BodyTypeDef> revealingBodyTypes = new List<BodyTypeDef>();
// We are going to postfix patch the VisibleUnderApparelOf check in HAR so we can make body parts visible if all of the apparel
// covering it is marked as revealing
[HarmonyPatch(typeof(AlienPartGenerator.BodyAddon), "VisibleUnderApparelOf")]
class HarmonyPatch_RevealingApparel_VisibleUnderApparelOf
2022-01-15 07:19:54 +00:00
public static Pawn GetPawnFromWrapped(ExtendedGraphicsPawnWrapper pawn)
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// The pawn wrapper doesn't expose the original Pawn as a public field, so we need to use reflection
// to pull it out.
return Traverse.Create(pawn).Property("WrappedPawn").GetValue<Pawn>();
2022-01-15 07:19:54 +00:00
public static IEnumerable<Apparel> GetApparelCoveringPart(Pawn pawn, AlienPartGenerator.BodyAddon bodyAddon)
// Get a list of all of the apparel worn by this pawn
return pawn.apparel?.WornApparel?.Where(
// Where any of the body part groups this apparel covers
apparel => apparel.def.apparel.bodyPartGroups.Any(
// Hide the passed body addon
bodyPartGroup => bodyAddon.hiddenUnderApparelFor.Contains(bodyPartGroup)));
2022-01-15 07:19:54 +00:00
public static bool IsApparelRevealingBodyPart(Apparel apparel, AlienPartGenerator.BodyAddon bodyAddon, BodyTypeDef bodyType)
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// Get the revealing entries for this apparel item
var revealingExtension = apparel.def.GetModExtension<ApparelRevealingExtension>();
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// And return if one of these entries matches the body part for this pawn body type
return revealingExtension?.revealingBodyPartEntries.Any((entry) =>
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// Does this entry reveal the body part we are considering
bool entryMatchesBodyPart = entry.revealingPath?.Contains(bodyAddon.GetPath()) ?? false;
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// Does this entry apply to the pawn's body shape
bool entryMatchesPawnBody = entry.revealingBodyTypes?.Contains(bodyType) ?? false;
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// If this entry matches the part and applies to the pawn body type, then this apparel reveals this body part
return entryMatchesBodyPart && entryMatchesPawnBody;
}) ?? false; // If there are no revealing body part entries, then this apparel covers this body part
2022-01-15 07:19:54 +00:00
public static bool Postfix(bool __result, AlienPartGenerator.BodyAddon __instance, ExtendedGraphicsPawnWrapper pawn)
// If the original method returned false, we might still show it based on the revealing apparel entries
if (__result == false)
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// Grab the underlying pawn from the wrapped version we were passed
var myPawn = GetPawnFromWrapped(pawn);
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// Reference the pawn body type. We will need this to know if revealing body part entries apply to this pawn
var bodyType = myPawn.story.bodyType;
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// Get a list of all of the apparel worn by this pawn that covers this body part
var apparelCoveringPartList = GetApparelCoveringPart(myPawn, __instance);
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// If no apparel is covering this part OR they are all revealing, then reveal this body part
if (apparelCoveringPartList.Count() == 0 ||
apparelCoveringPartList.All(apparel => IsApparelRevealingBodyPart(apparel, __instance, bodyType))) {
return true;
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// Else, return the original result
return __result;
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