SawRape_Abhorrent 3 3
  • Rapist
  • Panicked 1
  • Someone please help that poor soul! -20
  • SawRape_Horrible 3 3
  • Rapist
  • Disquiet 1
  • I feel all shaky. -15
  • SawRape_Disapproved 3 3
  • Rapist
  • Disquiet 1
  • Is this what life is going to be here? -10
  • SawRape_Acceptable 3 3 1
  • Ah. Um, carry on... -4
  • Exhibitionism_Acceptable
  • Exhibitionism_Approved
  • SawRape_Honorable 3 3 1
  • The strong claim their due from the weak. +2