Privacy, Please! This mod adds a greater awareness of sex to people. When people witness (or are witnessed taking part in) various sexual activities, those involved will exhibit different reactions depending on their traits and ideologies. Sexperience - Ideology is highly recommended in order to help customise your colonists' opinions on different sexual activities. Sex acts that can provoke reactions include: - Consensual sex: Encountering two lovin' individuals will generally result in the embarrassment of all involved and the couplating couple immediately ceasing their activities (unless the couple are both Exhibitionists) - Masturbation: Finding some masturbating will likely embarrass both parties and the discovered individual immediately stopping what they were doing (unless they happen to be an Exhibitionist). Reactions to masturbation can be modified through the Masturbation precept (included in Sexperience - Ideology) - Cheating: Discovering a partner cheating will greatly upset most people (unless they happen to be a Culkold). Reactions to cheating can be modified through the Lovin' precept ('free and approved' lovin' will nullify discontent from cheating). - Bestiality: Witnessing bestiality will generally cause individuals to Panic (unless they are a Zoophile). Reactions to bestiality can be modified through the Bestiality precept (included in Sexperience - Ideology) - Rape: Witnessing rape will generally cause individuals to Panic (unless they are a Rapist). Reactions to rape can be modified through the Rape precept (included in Sexperience - Ideology). - Necrophilia: Witnessing necrophilia will generally cause individuals to become Nauseated (unless they are a Necrophile). Reactions to necrophilia can be modified through the Necrophilia precept (included in Sexperience - Ideology). - Xenophilia: Stumbing upon humanoids of different species lovin' will generally be treated like encountering any other lovein' couple (unless the witness happens Xenophobe, who will likely Harrass the poor couple). Reactions to xenophilia can be modified through the Alien Dating precept (included in Humanoid Alien Races). As hinted above, some individuals will be unable to ignore what they just witnessed, resulting in the following reactions: - Panic: the witness will likely run away and hide, though more aggressive types may start a social fight with the transgressor. - Nauseated: the witness will run away and likely vomit after what they just saw. - Harass: the witness will start insulting the transgressor, though this might escalate to violence. Options have been included to toggle whether people should react to these various sex acts and whether people will turn a blind eye to them during rituals and parties. Additional options have been included to toggle whether prisoners, slaves, and members of other factions should react to witnessed sexual activities. This mod also provides improved threesome support. Threesomes can now be triggered via two new ways: - When a pawn sets off to bed their partner a passer-by might be invited to accompany them. - If a pawn encounters a couple having sex then they may just might be invited to join in. The chance of a threesome occurring can be configured in the mod options. In all cases, however, those involved must have a good opinion of each other and the passer-by mustn't be doing an player ordered or important job at the time. Two new RJW quirks are also included - Cuckold and Voyeur. Cuckolds get a thrill witnessing their partners cheated on them, while Voyeurs just like to watch others in general (providing what they're seeing isn't too upset, of course). Misc features - Those using S16's apparel mod or the UnderWhere mod can make use of an inculded setting that will allow you toggle whether wearing underwear alone is sufficient to satisfy an ideological need for modesty. You may want to turn this setting off if you want ideologies to be stricter about what they consider to be modest. Ideologies which prefer to wear fewer clothes than normal are not affected by this setting. - The scantier underwear from these mods now only covers either the chest or groin. Wearing underwear will counts as covering private parts for the purposes of determining nudity if not running Ideology. - New situational mood: Exposed underwear. Non-Exhibitionists will be upset if they are not wearing enough clothing to cover up their underwear. This mood can be toggled on or off. - Any lewd fluids that people produce will not be marked for cleaning until they are done with what they are doing.