PartookInInfidelity_Heartbreaking 3 3 1
  • {1}, I'm so sorry. Please, forgive me... -20
  • Discomfort
    PartookInInfidelity_Disapproved 3 3 1
  • Um, sorry, {1}. Please don't be too mad? -10
  • Discomfort
    PartookInInfidelity_Acceptable 3 3 1
  • Oh hey babe, you wanna join us? 0
  • Acceptance
    PartookInInfidelity_Approved 3 3 1
  • Heheh, I'm quite the slut, aren't I? 5
  • Approval
    SawInfidelity_Heartbreaking 3 3 1
  • {1}! How could you do this to me?! -20
  • Outrage
    SawInfidelity_Disapproved 3 3 1
  • Damn it, {1}! Aren't I enough for you? -10
  • Discomfort
    SawInfidelity_Acceptable 3 3 1
  • Hey babe, save some of that energy for me later, OK? 0
  • Acceptance
    SawInfidelity_Approved 3 3 1
  • Oh, {1}, you wicked thing! I'm gunna have to punish you for this later... 5
  • Approval