using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using Verse; using Verse.AI; using Verse.AI.Group; using RimWorld; using rjw; using UnityEngine; using HarmonyLib; namespace Privacy_Please { public static class SexInteractionUtility { public static bool PawnCaughtLovinByWitness(Pawn pawn, Pawn witness) { if (witness == null || pawn == witness || witness.IsUnableToSenseSex() || witness.CanSee(pawn) == false) return false; List sexParticipants = pawn.GetAllSexParticipants(); bool witnessIsJoiningSex = is JobDriver_SexBaseInitiator && sexParticipants.Contains(( as JobDriver_SexBaseInitiator).Target); if (sexParticipants.Contains(witness) || witnessIsJoiningSex) return false; return true; } public static bool PawnIsCheatingOnPartner(Pawn cheater, Pawn victim) { List spouses = cheater.GetSpouses(false); if (BasicSettings.worryAboutInfidelity == false || victim.IsLoverOfOther(cheater) == false || cheater.HasTrait("Polygamous") || victim.HasTrait("Polygamous") || cheater.IsHavingSex() == false || SexActIsNecrophilia( as JobDriver_Sex) || SexActIsBestiality( as JobDriver_Sex) || cheater.GetAllSexParticipants().Contains(victim) || (spouses.NullOrEmpty() == false && cheater.GetAllSexParticipants().Any(x => spouses.Contains(x)))) { return false; } return true; } public static bool SexParticipantsIncludesACheatingPartner(Pawn pawn, List participants) { foreach (Pawn participant in participants) { if (PawnIsCheatingOnPartner(pawn, participant)) { return true; } } return false; } public static bool PasserbyCanBePropositionedForSex(Pawn passerby, List participants) { if (passerby == null || participants.Contains(passerby)) { DebugMode.Message("Cannot proposition " + passerby.NameShortColored + ": they are already involved in the activity"); return false; } if (participants.Any(x => x.CanSee(passerby)) == false) { DebugMode.Message("Cannot proposition " + passerby.NameShortColored + ": no-one involved can see them"); return false; } if (participants.Count > 2) { DebugMode.Message("Cannot proposition " + passerby.NameShortColored + ": max participants has been reached"); return false; } if (participants.Any(x => x.IsForbidden(passerby) || x.HostileTo(passerby))) { DebugMode.Message("Cannot proposition " + passerby.NameShortColored + ": someone is forbidden or hostile"); return false; } if (CasualSex_Helper.CanHaveSex(passerby) == false || xxx.IsTargetPawnOkay(passerby) == false) { DebugMode.Message("Cannot proposition " + passerby.NameShortColored + ": they cannot have sex"); return false; } if (SexUtility.ReadyForHookup(passerby) && (passerby?.jobs?.curJob == null || ( == false && CasualSex_Helper.quickieAllowedJobs.Contains( && participants.Any(x => SexAppraiser.would_fuck(x, passerby) > 0.1f && SexAppraiser.would_fuck(passerby, x) > 0.1f) && participants.All(x => SexAppraiser.would_fuck(x, passerby, false, false, true) > 0.1f && SexAppraiser.would_fuck(passerby, x, false, false, true) > 0.1f)) { return true; } DebugMode.Message("Cannot proposition " + passerby.NameShortColored + ": they are either too busy or not appealing"); return false; } public static void GetReactionsToSexDiscovery(JobDriver_Sex jobDriver, Pawn witness, out ReactionToSexDiscovery reactionOfPawn, out ReactionToSexDiscovery reactionOfWitness, bool applyThoughtDefs = false) { Pawn pawn = jobDriver.pawn; reactionOfPawn = ReactionToSexDiscovery.Uncaring; reactionOfWitness = ReactionToSexDiscovery.Uncaring; // Determine if there are any issues with the sex event and the witness' morals and apply thoughtDefs as required foreach (SexActReactionDef sexActReactionDef in DefDatabase.AllDefs) { var methodInfo = AccessTools.Method(typeof(SexInteractionUtility), sexActReactionDef.sexActCheck, null, null); if (methodInfo == null) { DebugMode.Message("Method '" + sexActReactionDef.sexActCheck + "' was not found"); continue; } if ((bool)methodInfo.Invoke(null, new object[] { jobDriver, witness })) { sexActReactionDef.DetermineReactionOfPawns(pawn, witness, out reactionOfPawn, out reactionOfWitness, applyThoughtDefs); break; } } // Exit here if thoughtDefs are not being applied if (applyThoughtDefs == false || BasicSettings.majorTabooCanCausePanic == false) return; if (witness?.Drafted == true || witness?.mindState?.duty?.def.alwaysShowWeapon == true) return; // Panic reaction if (reactionOfWitness == ReactionToSexDiscovery.Panic) { Job job = JobMaker.MakeJob(JobDefOf.FleeAndCower, CellFinderLoose.GetFleeDest(witness, new List() { pawn }, 24f), pawn);;, false, false);; } // Vomit reaction else if (reactionOfWitness == ReactionToSexDiscovery.Nausea) { Job jobVomit = JobMaker.MakeJob(JobDefOf.Vomit); Job jobFlee = JobMaker.MakeJob(JobDefOf.FleeAndCower, CellFinderLoose.GetFleeDest(witness, new List() { pawn }, 24f), pawn);;, false, false); if (Random.value <= 0.25f) {;; } else {; } } } public static bool SexActIsNecrophilia(JobDriver_Sex jobDriver, Pawn witness = null) { return BasicSettings.worryAboutNecro && jobDriver.Partner != null && jobDriver.Partner.Dead; } public static bool SexActIsBestiality(JobDriver_Sex jobDriver, Pawn witness = null) { return BasicSettings.worryAboutBeastiality && jobDriver.Partner != null && jobDriver.Partner.RaceProps.Animal; } public static bool SexActIsBestialityWithOrdinaryAnimal(JobDriver_Sex jobDriver, Pawn witness = null) { if (BasicSettings.worryAboutBeastiality == false) return false; if (jobDriver.Partner == null || jobDriver.Partner.RaceProps.Animal == false) return false; if (jobDriver.pawn.Ideo.PreceptsListForReading.Any(x => x.def.defName == "Bestiality_BondOnly") && jobDriver.Partner.relations.GetFirstDirectRelationPawn(PawnRelationDefOf.Bond) != jobDriver.pawn) return true; if (jobDriver.pawn.Ideo.PreceptsListForReading.Any(x => x.def.defName == "Bestiality_OnlyVenerated") && jobDriver.pawn.Ideo.IsVeneratedAnimal(jobDriver.Partner) == false) return true; return false; } public static bool SexActIsBestialityWithSpecialAnimal(JobDriver_Sex jobDriver, Pawn witness = null) { if (BasicSettings.worryAboutBeastiality == false) return false; if (jobDriver.Partner == null || jobDriver.Partner.RaceProps.Animal == false) return false; if (jobDriver.pawn.Ideo.PreceptsListForReading.Any(x => x.def.defName == "Bestiality_BondOnly") && jobDriver.Partner.relations.GetFirstDirectRelationPawn(PawnRelationDefOf.Bond) == jobDriver.pawn) return true; if (jobDriver.pawn.Ideo.PreceptsListForReading.Any(x => x.def.defName == "Bestiality_OnlyVenerated") && jobDriver.pawn.Ideo.IsVeneratedAnimal(jobDriver.Partner) == true) return true; return false; } public static bool SexActIsRape(JobDriver_Sex jobDriver, Pawn witness = null) { return BasicSettings.worryAboutRape && (jobDriver is JobDriver_Rape || jobDriver is JobDriver_RapeEnemy || jobDriver is JobDriver_SexBaseRecieverRaped); } public static bool SexActIsXenophilia(JobDriver_Sex jobDriver, Pawn witness = null) { return BasicSettings.worryAboutXeno && jobDriver.Partner != null && jobDriver.Partner.def.defName != jobDriver.pawn.def.defName; } public static bool SexActIsMasturbation(JobDriver_Sex jobDriver, Pawn witness = null) { return jobDriver.pawn.IsMasturbating(); } public static bool SexActIsExhibitionism(JobDriver_Sex jobDriver, Pawn witness = null) { return BasicSettings.worryAboutExhibitionism && jobDriver.pawn.IsHavingSex(); } public static bool SexActIsInfidelity(JobDriver_Sex jobDriver, Pawn witness = null) { return BasicSettings.worryAboutInfidelity && PawnIsCheatingOnPartner(jobDriver.pawn, witness); } } }