using UnityEngine; using Verse; // If it isn't blatantly obvious, I unabashedly ripped this settings template from RJW, minus the fact that // I won't be (personally) supporting multiplayer, and it's all in one file - but I digress ... namespace LewdBiotech { class LBTSettingsController : Mod { public LBTSettingsController(ModContentPack content) : base(content) { GetSettings(); } public override string SettingsCategory() { return "LBTSettings".Translate(); } public override void DoSettingsWindowContents(Rect inRect) { LBTSettings.DoWindowContents(inRect); } } public class LBTSettings : ModSettings { // For my own sanity, all now and future settings will have a default disabled/false state (at least, that's the plan), and // the settings name and description should reflect that (not that I'm going to add that many settings, mind you) public static bool devMode = false; public static bool regretStealingLovinThoughtDisabled = false; public static void DoWindowContents(Rect inRect) { // Shrink the settings window a bit - don't need to be that w i d e inRect.width = inRect.width - 400; inRect.x = inRect.x + 200; Listing_Standard listingStandard = new Listing_Standard(); listingStandard.Begin(inRect); listingStandard.Gap(4f); listingStandard.CheckboxLabeled("EnableLBTDevLogging".Translate(), ref devMode, "EnableLBTDevLoggingDesc".Translate()); listingStandard.Gap(4f); listingStandard.CheckboxLabeled("RegretStealingLovinThoughtDisabled".Translate(), ref regretStealingLovinThoughtDisabled, "RegretStealingLovinThoughtDisabledDesc".Translate()); listingStandard.End(); } public override void ExposeData() { base.ExposeData(); Scribe_Values.Look(ref devMode, "EnableLBTDevLogging", devMode, true); Scribe_Values.Look(ref regretStealingLovinThoughtDisabled, "regretStealingLovinThoughtDisabled", regretStealingLovinThoughtDisabled, true); } } }