OrgyCeremony Precept_Ritual UI/Icons/Rituals/TreeCelebration FertilityRitual false true FertilityRitual fertility ritual An orgy ritual. FertilityRitual AltarOrRitualSpot AnyIdeoBuildingOrRitualSpot FertilityRitualOutcome ritual orgy. true FertilityRitual 5000 Participants participate
  • Orgy
  • 1
  • FertilityRitualOutcome orgy ritual outcome CRIAOrgy.RitualOutcomeEffectWorker_Orgy
  • (1, 0.0)
  • (5, 0.6)
  • (10, 0.8)
  • Impressiveness
  • 0, 0
  • 50, 0.1
  • 120, 0.2
  • 0.05 TerribleOrgy The {0} was terrible! Participants endured hours of jaw-clenching small talk while waiting for it to end. -2
  • 0.15 BoringOrgy The {0} was boring. Everyone felt too awkward to open up and laugh. -1
  • 0.6 FunOrgy The {0} was good. Everyone appreciated the chance to relax and have fun together. There's a 5% chance that a random participant gains an inspiration. 1
  • 0.2 UnforgettableOrgy The {0} was unforgettable! Everyone learned about each other and felt like a family. There's a 10% chance a random participant gains an inspiration. 2