Lactating UI/Issues/MeatEating Lactating_Essential Lactating High 20 100 Milk from breasts is creamy and delicious. It should be produced and consumed on a regular basis. Lactating colonists will produce double the normal amount of milk.
  • Lactating_Essential Sizeable breasts must produce milk true
  • Lactating_Essential_Social true
  • Lactating_Essential Thought_Situational CRIALactation.ThoughtWorker_Precept_Lactating_Essential
  • Expressing milk for fills me with maternal pride. 6
  • We live in such difficult times. I wish I could be producing milk right now. -6
  • I'm as useless as a dry well. A healthy supply of my milk can benefit the colony, but I'm failing to deliver. -10
  • Producing milk is a basic responsibility. I'm embarrassed and ashamed to be dry. -16
  • Lactating_Essential_Social Thought_SituationalSocial CRIALactation.ThoughtWorker_Precept_Lactating_Essential_Social
  • 15
  • -5
  • -20
  • -40