ConvertToHucow Multiply this pawn's lactation duration and amplify their production for as long as they are lactating. CastAbilityOnThingMelee UI/Abilities/WorkDrive UI/Issues/Lactating True False True False True 30000 Misc12 4 WorkDrive_Warmup 3000 Verb_CastAbilityTouch False -1 3.0 false false false false true
  • CompAbilityEffect_GiveHediff Hucow False
  • BeginInducingLactation Stimulate someone's milk ducts to begin the process of lactation without childbirth. CastAbilityOnThingMelee UI/Abilities/WorkDrive UI/Issues/Lactating True False True False True 3000 Misc12 4 WorkDrive_Warmup 3000 Verb_CastAbilityTouch False -1 3.0 false false false false true
  • CompAbilityEffect_GiveHediff Hucow False