RJW - C0ffee's RJW Ideology Addons - Lactation Massage Cooldown Default 0.3. Time between massages to stimulate lacation. 1 = A full day. Changing this number will not update existing cooldown Hediffs, it will only apply to new cooldown hediffs applied. Total Massages Needed Default 20. How many massages are required before lacation starts. Progress is saved as 0->1. Each time a massage happens the amount 1/total is added. Changing this value will not reset the current progress amount. Hucow Breast Size Increase Default 0.5. When turned into a hucow, this amount will get added to pawns existing breast size. Hucow Breast Size Minimum Default 1.0. When turned into a hucow, this is the smallest that breasts will end up being.