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2021-07-30 01:33:08 +00:00
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Verse;
using RimWorld;
using rjw;
using Milk;
using UnityEngine;
namespace CRIALactation
public class CompLactation : ThingComp
public int lastHumanLactationIngestedTick = 0;
public override void PostExposeData()
Scribe_Values.Look<int>(ref this.lastHumanLactationIngestedTick, "lastHumanLactationIngestedTick", 0);
2022-10-25 20:46:15 +00:00
public override string CompInspectStringExtra()
2023-02-06 03:05:01 +00:00
//if ((parent as Pawn).health?.hediffSet?.GetFirstHediffOfDef(HediffDefOf_Milk.InducingLactation) != null
// && (parent as Pawn).health.hediffSet.GetFirstHediffOfDef(HediffDefOf_Milk.InducingLactation).TryGetComp<HediffComp_LactationInduction>().canMassage())
if ((parent as Pawn).health?.hediffSet?.GetFirstHediffOfDef(HediffDefOf_Milk.InducingLactation) != null
&& (parent as Pawn).health.hediffSet.GetFirstHediffOfDef(HediffDefOf_Milk.InducingLactationCooldown) == null)
2022-10-25 20:46:15 +00:00
return "Ready to stimulate breasts for lactation.";
return "";
public class CompLactation : ThingComp
2021-07-30 01:33:08 +00:00
private readonly int OneDayInTicks = 60000;
private int TicksSinceLastMassage = -60000;
private float InductionCompletionPercent = 0f;
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public bool isActive = false;
public bool CanMassage = true;
public int lastHumanLactationIngestedTick = 0;
2021-07-30 01:33:08 +00:00
public override void CompTick()
Pawn p = this.parent as Pawn;
if (!p.IsHashIntervalTick(100))
if (LactationUtility.IsLactating(p) || !isActive)
2021-08-02 18:55:46 +00:00
2021-07-30 01:33:08 +00:00
if(TicksSinceLastMassage + OneDayInTicks / Props.TimesMassagedADay < GenTicks.TicksGame)
CanMassage = true;
if(InductionCompletionPercent >= 1)
string main = p.Name.ToStringShort + "'s breasts have been stimulated enough to induce lactation! They can now begin producing milk for their colony's consumption.";
var letter = LetterMaker.MakeLetter(p.Name.ToStringShort + " induced lactation", main, LetterDefOf.PositiveEvent);
LactationUtility.StartLactating(p, true);
InductionCompletionPercent = 0.90f + Random.Range(0f, 5f); //start at 90-95% in case they ever lose lactating again
2021-07-30 01:33:08 +00:00
public void MassageBreasts()
InductionCompletionPercent += (float)1 / (Props.DaysToLactating * (Props.TimesMassagedADay + Rand.Value));
TicksSinceLastMassage = GenTicks.TicksGame;
CanMassage = false;
public CompProperties_InduceLactation Props
return (CompProperties_InduceLactation)props;
public override IEnumerable<FloatMenuOption> CompFloatMenuOptions(Pawn pawn)
2021-08-01 23:17:04 +00:00
if (pawn != this.parent as Pawn && !((this.parent as Pawn).IsSlaveOfColony || (this.parent as Pawn).IsPrisonerOfColony)) yield break;
2021-07-30 01:33:08 +00:00
if (LactationUtility.IsLactating(pawn)) yield break;
if(LactationUtility.HasMilkableBreasts(this.parent as Pawn))
//stop trying to induce lactation
yield return new FloatMenuOption("Stop inducing lactation", () =>
2021-07-30 01:33:08 +00:00
isActive = false;
//induce lactation
yield return new FloatMenuOption("Start inducing lactation", () =>
2021-07-30 01:33:08 +00:00
isActive = true;
yield return new FloatMenuOption("Start inducing lactation (no milkable breasts)", null);
2021-07-30 01:33:08 +00:00
yield break;
public override void PostExposeData()
Scribe_Values.Look<float>(ref this.InductionCompletionPercent, "InductionCompletionPercent", 0f);
Scribe_Values.Look<int>(ref this.TicksSinceLastMassage, "TicksSinceLastMassage", -60000);
Scribe_Values.Look<int>(ref this.lastHumanLactationIngestedTick, "lastHumanLactationIngestedTick", 0);
2021-07-30 01:33:08 +00:00
Scribe_Values.Look<bool>(ref this.isActive, "IsActive", false);
Scribe_Values.Look<bool>(ref this.CanMassage, "CanMassage", false);
public override string CompInspectStringExtra()
if (!isActive) return null;
string result = "Induce lactation completion: " + InductionCompletionPercent.ToStringPercent();
result += "\nReady to massage.";
return result;