RJWMG_Orgasm Force the target to have an orgasm, stunning them for a short period. Things/Mote/Heart 60 24.9 Heart Pawn VFECore.Abilities.Ability_Blank true false false true false
  • RJW_M_Nymph 1 1 0.01 12 true true
  • 3
  • RJWMG_OrgasmCycle Force the target to have multiple orgasms over time, each one stunning them shortly. Things/Mote/Heart 60 24.9 2700 Heart Pawn VFECore.Abilities.Ability_Blank true false false true false
  • RJW_M_Nymph 2 1 0.01 12 true true
  • OrgasmCycle PsychicSensitivity
  • RJWMG_Sexfrenzy Causes nearby pawns to go into a sex frenzy, trying to rape anyone if they can. Things/Mote/Heart 120 14.9 4.9 Heart VFECore.Abilities.Ability_Blank true false true true true
  • RJW_M_Nymph 4 1 0.15 30 true true