using RimWorld; using System; namespace RJWSexperience { public static class Utility { private static readonly Random random = new Random(Environment.TickCount); public static float RandGaussianLike(float min, float max, int iterations = 3) { double res = 0; for (int i = 0; i < iterations; i++) { res += random.NextDouble(); } res /= iterations; return ((float)res).Denormalization(min, max); } /// /// Set exact for the /// public static void SetTo(this Pawn_RecordsTracker records, RecordDef record, float value) { float recordval = records.GetValue(record); records.AddTo(record, value - recordval); } /// /// Set exact for the /// public static void Set(this Pawn_RecordsTracker records, RecordDef record, int value) { int currentValue = records.GetAsInt(record); records.AddTo(record, value - currentValue); } public static float Normalization(this float num, float min, float max) { return (num - min) / (max - min); } public static float Denormalization(this float num, float min, float max) { return (num * (max - min)) + min; } } }