using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using rjw; using Verse; using Verse.AI; using RimWorld; namespace RJWSexperience.Ideology { public class JobGiver_DrugOrgy : ThinkNode_JobGiver { protected override Job TryGiveJob(Pawn pawn) { if (pawn.Drafted) return null; DutyDef dutyDef = null; PawnDuty duty = null; if (pawn.mindState != null) { duty = pawn.mindState.duty; dutyDef = duty.def; } else return null; if (dutyDef == DutyDefOf.TravelOrLeave || !xxx.can_do_loving(pawn)) { return null; } Pawn target = FindPartner(pawn, duty); if (target == null || !pawn.CanReserveAndReach(target, PathEndMode.ClosestTouch, Danger.None,1)) return JobMaker.MakeJob(VariousDefOf.DrugMasturbate); return JobMaker.MakeJob(VariousDefOf.DrugSex, target); } protected Pawn FindPartner(Pawn pawn, PawnDuty duty) { if (duty != null) { List pawns = pawn.Map.mapPawns.AllPawnsSpawned.FindAll(x => x.mindState?.duty?.def == duty.def); return pawns.RandomElementByWeightWithDefault(x => SexAppraiser.would_fuck(pawn,x), 0.1f); } return null; } } /// /// copied from rjw /// public class JobDriver_SexDrugOrgy : JobDriver_SexBaseInitiator { public override bool TryMakePreToilReservations(bool errorOnFailed) { return true; } protected override IEnumerable MakeNewToils() { setup_ticks(); var PartnerJob = VariousDefOf.GettinDrugSex; this.FailOnDespawnedNullOrForbidden(iTarget); this.FailOn(() => !; this.FailOn(() => pawn.Drafted); this.FailOn(() => Partner == null); yield return Toils_Goto.GotoThing(iTarget, PathEndMode.OnCell); Toil WaitForPartner = new Toil(); WaitForPartner.defaultCompleteMode = ToilCompleteMode.Delay; WaitForPartner.initAction = delegate { ticksLeftThisToil = 5000; }; WaitForPartner.tickAction = delegate { pawn.GainComfortFromCellIfPossible(); if (pawn.Position.DistanceTo(Partner.Position) <= 1f) { ReadyForNextToil(); } }; yield return WaitForPartner; Toil StartPartnerJob = new Toil(); StartPartnerJob.defaultCompleteMode = ToilCompleteMode.Instant; StartPartnerJob.socialMode = RandomSocialMode.Off; StartPartnerJob.initAction = delegate { var dri = as JobDriver_DrugSexReceiver; if (dri == null) { Job gettingQuickie = JobMaker.MakeJob(PartnerJob, pawn, Partner);, JobCondition.InterruptForced); } }; yield return StartPartnerJob; Toil SexToil = new Toil(); SexToil.defaultCompleteMode = ToilCompleteMode.Never; SexToil.socialMode = RandomSocialMode.Off; SexToil.defaultDuration = duration; SexToil.handlingFacing = true; SexToil.FailOn(() => Partner.CurJob.def != PartnerJob); SexToil.initAction = delegate { Partner.pather.StopDead(); = false; Start(); Sexprops.usedCondom = CondomUtility.TryUseCondom(pawn) || CondomUtility.TryUseCondom(Partner); }; SexToil.AddPreTickAction(delegate { SexTick(pawn, Partner); SexUtility.reduce_rest(Partner, 1); SexUtility.reduce_rest(pawn, 1); if (ticks_left <= 0) ReadyForNextToil(); }); SexToil.AddFinishAction(delegate { End(); }); yield return SexToil; yield return new Toil { initAction = delegate { //// Trying to add some interactions and social logs SexUtility.ProcessSex(Sexprops); }, defaultCompleteMode = ToilCompleteMode.Instant }; } } /// /// copied from rjw /// public class JobDriver_DrugSexReceiver : JobDriver_SexBaseRecieverLoved { protected override IEnumerable MakeNewToils() { setup_ticks(); parteners.Add(Partner);// add job starter, so this wont fail, before Initiator starts his job // More/less hearts based on opinion. if (pawn.relations.OpinionOf(Partner) < 0) ticks_between_hearts += 50; else if (pawn.relations.OpinionOf(Partner) > 60) ticks_between_hearts -= 25; this.FailOnDespawnedOrNull(iTarget); this.FailOn(() => !; this.FailOn(() => pawn.Drafted); this.FailOn(() => Partner.Drafted); this.FailOn(() => Partner == null); yield return Toils_Reserve.Reserve(iTarget, 1, 0); var get_loved = MakeSexToil(); get_loved.handlingFacing = false; yield return get_loved; } protected Toil MakeSexToil() { Toil get_loved = new Toil(); get_loved.defaultCompleteMode = ToilCompleteMode.Never; get_loved.socialMode = RandomSocialMode.Off; get_loved.handlingFacing = true; get_loved.tickAction = delegate { }; get_loved.AddEndCondition(new Func(() => { if (parteners.Count <= 0) { return JobCondition.Succeeded; } return JobCondition.Ongoing; })); get_loved.AddFinishAction(delegate { if (xxx.is_human(pawn)); }); get_loved.socialMode = RandomSocialMode.Off; return get_loved; } } /// /// copied from rjw /// public class JobDriver_DrugMasturabate : JobDriver_Masturbate { protected override IEnumerable MakeNewToils() { setup_ticks(); this.FailOn(() =>; this.FailOn(() => pawn.IsBurning()); this.FailOn(() => pawn.IsFighting()); this.FailOn(() => pawn.Drafted); Toil SexToil = Toils_General.Wait(duration); SexToil.handlingFacing = true; SexToil.initAction = delegate { Start(); }; SexToil.tickAction = delegate { SexTick(pawn, null, true); SexUtility.reduce_rest(pawn, 1); if (ticks_left <= 0) ReadyForNextToil(); }; SexToil.AddFinishAction(delegate { End(); }); yield return SexToil; yield return new Toil { initAction = delegate { SexUtility.Aftersex(Sexprops); if (!SexUtility.ConsiderCleaning(pawn)) return; LocalTargetInfo own_cum = pawn.PositionHeld.GetFirstThing(pawn.Map); Job clean = JobMaker.MakeJob(JobDefOf.Clean); clean.AddQueuedTarget(TargetIndex.A, own_cum);; }, defaultCompleteMode = ToilCompleteMode.Instant }; } } }