using HarmonyLib; using RimWorld; using rjw; using RJWSexperience.Cum; using RJWSexperience.Logs; using RJWSexperience.SexHistory; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using Verse; namespace RJWSexperience { [HarmonyPatch(typeof(JobDriver_Sex), "Orgasm")] public static class RJW_Patch_Orgasm { public static void Postfix(JobDriver_Sex __instance) { if (__instance.Sexprops.sexType != xxx.rjwSextype.Masturbation && !(__instance is JobDriver_Masturbate)) { if (__instance.Sexprops.isRape && __instance.Sexprops.isReceiver) { __instance.pawn?.skills?.Learn(VariousDefOf.Sex, 0.05f, true); } else { __instance.pawn?.skills?.Learn(VariousDefOf.Sex, 0.35f, true); } } } } [HarmonyPatch(typeof(SexUtility), nameof(SexUtility.SatisfyPersonal))] public static class RJW_Patch_SatisfyPersonal { private const float base_sat_per_fuck = 0.4f; public static void Prefix(SexProps props, ref float satisfaction) { satisfaction = Mathf.Max(base_sat_per_fuck, satisfaction * props.partner.GetSexStat()); } public static void Postfix(SexProps props, ref float satisfaction) { LustUtility.UpdateLust(props, satisfaction, base_sat_per_fuck); CumUtility.FillCumBuckets(props); props.pawn.records?.Increment(VariousDefOf.OrgasmCount); if (SexperienceMod.Settings.EnableSexHistory && props.hasPartner()) props.pawn.TryGetComp()?.RecordSatisfaction(props.partner, props, satisfaction); } } [HarmonyPatch(typeof(SexUtility), "TransferNutrition")] public static class RJW_Patch_TransferNutrition { public static void Postfix(SexProps props) { CumUtility.TryFeedCum(props); } } [HarmonyPatch(typeof(Nymph_Generator), "set_skills")] public static class RJW_Patch_Nymph_set_skills { public static void Postfix(Pawn pawn) { SkillRecord sexskill = pawn.skills.GetSkill(VariousDefOf.Sex); if (sexskill != null) { sexskill.passion = Passion.Major; sexskill.Level = (int)Utility.RandGaussianLike(7f, 20.99f); sexskill.xpSinceLastLevel = sexskill.XpRequiredForLevelUp * Rand.Range(0.10f, 0.90f); } } } [HarmonyPatch(typeof(AfterSexUtility), "UpdateRecords")] public static class RJW_Patch_UpdateRecords { public static void Postfix(SexProps props) { RJWUtility.UpdateSextypeRecords(props); if (!SexperienceMod.Settings.EnableSexHistory || !props.hasPartner()) return; props.pawn.TryGetComp()?.RecordSex(props.partner, props); props.partner.TryGetComp()?.RecordSex(props.pawn, props); } } [HarmonyPatch(typeof(JobDriver_SexBaseInitiator), "Start")] public static class RJW_Patch_LogSextype { public static void Postfix(JobDriver_SexBaseInitiator __instance) { if (__instance.Sexprops.hasPartner()) { __instance.pawn.PoptheCherry(__instance.Partner, __instance.Sexprops); __instance.Partner.PoptheCherry(__instance.pawn, __instance.Sexprops); } } } [HarmonyPatch(typeof(CasualSex_Helper), nameof(CasualSex_Helper.FindSexLocation))] public static class RJW_Patch_CasualSex_Helper_FindSexLocation { /// /// If masturbation and current map has a bucket, return location near the bucket /// /// /// /// /// Run original method public static bool Prefix(Pawn pawn, Pawn partner, ref IntVec3 __result) { if (partner != null && partner != pawn) return true; // Not masturbation var log = LogManager.GetLogger("RJW_Patch_CasualSex_Helper_FindSexLocation"); log.Message($"Called for {pawn.NameShortColored}"); if (pawn.Faction?.IsPlayer != true && !pawn.IsPrisonerOfColony) { log.Message("Not a player's faction or a prisoner"); return true; } Building_CumBucket bucket = pawn.FindClosestBucket(); if (bucket == null) { log.Message("404 Bucket not found"); return true; } Room bucketRoom = bucket.GetRoom(); List cellsAroundBucket = GenAdjFast.AdjacentCells8Way(bucket.Position); IntVec3 doorNearBucket = IntVec3.Invalid; foreach (IntVec3 cell in cellsAroundBucket.InRandomOrder()) { if (!cell.Standable(bucket.Map)) { log.Message($"Discarded {cell}: not standable"); continue; } if (cell.GetRoom(bucket.Map) != bucketRoom) { if (cell.GetDoor(bucket.Map) != null) { doorNearBucket = cell; } else { log.Message($"Discarded {cell}: different room"); } continue; } __result = cell; log.Message($"Masturbate at location: {__result}"); return false; } if (doorNearBucket != IntVec3.Invalid) { __result = doorNearBucket; log.Message($"No proper place found, go jack off in the doorway: {__result}"); return false; } log.Message($"Failed to find situable location near the bucket at {bucket.Position}"); return true; } } [HarmonyPatch(typeof(SexUtility), nameof(SexUtility.Aftersex), new Type[] { typeof(SexProps) })] public static class RJW_Patch_SexUtility_Aftersex_RapeEffects { public static void Postfix(SexProps props) { if (!props.hasPartner() || !props.isRape || !xxx.is_human(props.partner)) return; if (props.partner.IsPrisoner) RapeEffectPrisoner(props.partner); if (props.partner.IsSlave) RapeEffectSlave(props.partner); } private static void RapeEffectPrisoner(Pawn victim) { victim.guest.will = Math.Max(0, victim.guest.will - 0.2f); } private static void RapeEffectSlave(Pawn victim) { Need_Suppression suppression = victim.needs.TryGetNeed(); if (suppression != null) { Hediff broken =; if (broken != null) suppression.CurLevel += (0.3f * broken.Severity) + 0.05f; else suppression.CurLevel += 0.05f; } } } }