using RimWorld; using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis; using Verse; namespace RJWSexperience.Ideology { public static class HistoryEventArgsNamesCustom { public const string Tag = "TAG"; public const string Partner = "PARTNER"; } public static class HETag { public const string Incestous = "[Incestuos]"; public const string BeenRaped = "[BeenRaped]"; public const string Rape = "[Rape]"; public const string Spouse = "[Spouse]"; public const string NotSpouse = "[NotSpouse]"; public static string Gender(Pawn pawn) => "[" + pawn.gender + "]"; } public class PreceptComp_SelfTookThoughtTagged : PreceptComp_SelfTookMemoryThought { [SuppressMessage("Minor Code Smell", "S1104:Fields should not have public accessibility", Justification = "Field value loaded from XML")] public string tag; [SuppressMessage("Minor Code Smell", "S1104:Fields should not have public accessibility", Justification = "Field value loaded from XML")] public bool exclusive = false; public PreceptComp_SelfTookThoughtTagged() { } public override void Notify_MemberTookAction(HistoryEvent ev, Precept precept, bool canApplySelfTookThoughts) { if (tag != null) { if (ev.args.TryGetArg(HistoryEventArgsNamesCustom.Tag, out string tags)) { if (IdeoUtility.ContainAll(tags, tag.Replace(" ", "").Split(',')) ^ exclusive) { TookThought(ev, precept, canApplySelfTookThoughts); } } else if (exclusive) { TookThought(ev, precept, canApplySelfTookThoughts); } } else { TookThought(ev, precept, canApplySelfTookThoughts); } } protected virtual void TookThought(HistoryEvent ev, Precept precept, bool canApplySelfTookThoughts) { if (ev.def != this.eventDef || !canApplySelfTookThoughts) { return; } Pawn arg = ev.args.GetArg(HistoryEventArgsNames.Doer); Pawn partner = ev.args.GetArg(HistoryEventArgsNamesCustom.Partner); if (arg.needs?.mood != null && (!this.onlyForNonSlaves || !arg.IsSlave)) { if (this.thought.minExpectationForNegativeThought != null && ExpectationsUtility.CurrentExpectationFor(arg).order < this.thought.minExpectationForNegativeThought.order) { return; } Thought_Memory thought_Memory = ThoughtMaker.MakeThought(this.thought, precept); if (thought_Memory is Thought_KilledInnocentAnimal thought_KilledInnocentAnimal && ev.args.TryGetArg(HistoryEventArgsNames.Victim, out Pawn animal)) { thought_KilledInnocentAnimal.SetAnimal(animal); } if (thought_Memory is Thought_MemoryObservation thought_MemoryObservation && ev.args.TryGetArg(HistoryEventArgsNames.Subject, out Corpse target)) { thought_MemoryObservation.Target = target; } arg.needs.mood.thoughts.memories.TryGainMemory(thought_Memory, partner); } } } public class PreceptComp_KnowsMemoryThoughtTagged : PreceptComp_KnowsMemoryThought { [SuppressMessage("Minor Code Smell", "S1104:Fields should not have public accessibility", Justification = "Field value loaded from XML")] public string tag; [SuppressMessage("Minor Code Smell", "S1104:Fields should not have public accessibility", Justification = "Field value loaded from XML")] public bool exclusive = false; [SuppressMessage("Minor Code Smell", "S1104:Fields should not have public accessibility", Justification = "Field value loaded from XML")] public bool applyonpartner = false; public PreceptComp_KnowsMemoryThoughtTagged() { } public override void Notify_MemberWitnessedAction(HistoryEvent ev, Precept precept, Pawn member) { if (!applyonpartner && ev.args.TryGetArg(HistoryEventArgsNamesCustom.Partner, out Pawn pawn) && pawn == member) { return; } if (tag != null) { if (ev.args.TryGetArg(HistoryEventArgsNamesCustom.Tag, out string tags)) { if (IdeoUtility.ContainAll(tags, tag.Replace(" ", "").Split(',')) ^ exclusive) base.Notify_MemberWitnessedAction(ev, precept, member); } else if (exclusive) { base.Notify_MemberWitnessedAction(ev, precept, member); } } else { base.Notify_MemberWitnessedAction(ev, precept, member); } } } }