RJW Sexperience Lust: x{0}% Slave: x{0}% Not Slave: x100% Meme: x{0}% slave, prisoner, submissive gender only improper animal: cannot breed or forbidden by precepts not human not animal capable of sex is required Enable record randomizer Randomize pawn's sex records. Lust effect power Set how much lust affect to sex drive. Maximum lust deviation Set maximum deviation of lust. The lust value can be negative depending on its average. Average Lust Set average of lust. Maximum sex count deviation Set maximum deviation of sex count. Average sex count per year Set average sex count. Enable slaves get raped experience Slaves will have experience of being raped Lust Limit Set limitation of lust. If absolute value of lust close to or larger than this value, lust will be less likely to change.