using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using HarmonyLib; using rjw; using RimWorld; using Verse; using UnityEngine; using SexperienceDefOf = RJWSexperience.VariousDefOf; namespace RJWSexperience.Ideology { public static class RJWUtility_Ideo { public static HistoryEvent TaggedEvent(this HistoryEventDef def, Pawn pawn, string tag, Pawn partner) { return new HistoryEvent(def, pawn.Named(HistoryEventArgsNames.Doer), tag.Named(HistoryEventArgsNamesCustom.Tag), partner.Named(HistoryEventArgsNamesCustom.Partner)); } public static Faction GetFactionUsingPrecept(this Pawn baby, out Ideo ideo) { Faction playerfaction = Find.FactionManager.OfPlayer; Ideo mainideo = playerfaction.ideos.PrimaryIdeo; if (mainideo != null) { if (mainideo.HasPrecept(VariousDefOf.BabyFaction_AlwaysFather)) { Pawn parent = baby.GetFather(); if (parent == null) baby.GetMother(); ideo = parent.Ideo; return parent.Faction; } else if (mainideo.HasPrecept(VariousDefOf.BabyFaction_AlwaysColony)) { ideo = mainideo; return playerfaction; } } Pawn mother = baby.GetMother(); ideo = mother?.Ideo; return mother?.Faction ?? baby.Faction; } } [HarmonyPatch(typeof(ThinkNode_ChancePerHour_Bestiality), "MtbHours")] public static class RJW_Patch_ChancePerHour_Bestiality { public static void Postfix(Pawn pawn, ref float __result) { Ideo ideo = pawn.Ideo; if (ideo != null) __result *= BestialityByPrecept(ideo); // ideo is null if don't have dlc } public static float BestialityByPrecept(Ideo ideo) { if (ideo.HasPrecept(VariousDefOf.Bestiality_Honorable)) return 0.3f; else if (ideo.HasPrecept(VariousDefOf.Bestiality_OnlyVenerated)) return 0.6f; else if (ideo.HasPrecept(VariousDefOf.Bestiality_Acceptable)) return 0.75f; else if (ideo.HasPrecept(VariousDefOf.Bestiality_Disapproved)) return 1.0f; else return 5f; } } [HarmonyPatch(typeof(ThinkNode_ChancePerHour_RapeCP), "MtbHours")] public static class RJW_Patch_ChancePerHour_RapeCP { public static void Postfix(Pawn pawn, ref float __result) { Ideo ideo = pawn.Ideo; if (ideo != null) __result *= RapeByPrecept(ideo); // ideo is null if don't have dlc } public static float RapeByPrecept(Ideo ideo) { if (ideo.HasPrecept(VariousDefOf.Rape_Honorable)) return 0.25f; else if (ideo.HasPrecept(VariousDefOf.Rape_Acceptable)) return 0.5f; else if (ideo.HasPrecept(VariousDefOf.Rape_Disapproved)) return 1.0f; else return 3f; } } [HarmonyPatch(typeof(xxx), "is_rapist")] public static class RJW_Patch_is_rapist { public static void Postfix(Pawn pawn, ref bool __result) { Ideo ideo = pawn.Ideo; if (ideo != null && !pawn.IsSubmissive()) { __result = __result || ideo.HasMeme(VariousDefOf.Rapist); } } } [HarmonyPatch(typeof(xxx), "is_zoophile")] public static class RJW_Patch_is_zoophile { public static void Postfix(Pawn pawn, ref bool __result) { Ideo ideo = pawn.Ideo; if (ideo != null) { __result = __result || ideo.HasMeme(VariousDefOf.Zoophile); } } } [HarmonyPatch(typeof(xxx), "is_necrophiliac")] public static class RJW_Patch_is_necrophiliac { public static void Postfix(Pawn pawn, ref bool __result) { Ideo ideo = pawn.Ideo; if (ideo != null) { __result = __result || ideo.HasMeme(VariousDefOf.Necrophile); } } } [HarmonyPatch(typeof(SexUtility), "Aftersex", new Type[] { typeof(Pawn), typeof(Pawn), typeof(bool), typeof(bool), typeof(bool), typeof(xxx.rjwSextype) })] public static class RJW_Patch_Aftersex { public static void Postfix(Pawn pawn, Pawn partner, bool usedCondom, bool rape, bool isCoreLovin, xxx.rjwSextype sextype) { //Log.Message("Aftersex " + pawn.Label + ": " + sextype); if (xxx.is_human(pawn)) AfterSexHuman(pawn, partner, usedCondom, rape, isCoreLovin, sextype); else if (xxx.is_human(partner)) AfterSexHuman(partner, pawn, usedCondom, false, isCoreLovin, sextype, true); } public static void AfterSexHuman(Pawn human, Pawn partner, bool usedCondom, bool rape, bool isCoreLovin, xxx.rjwSextype sextype, bool isHumanReceiving = false) { string tag = ""; if (human.IsIncest(partner)) { tag += HETag.Incestous; } if (partner.Dead) { Find.HistoryEventsManager.RecordEvent(VariousDefOf.SexWithCorpse.TaggedEvent(human, tag + HETag.Gender(human), partner)); } else if (partner.IsAnimal()) { if (isHumanReceiving && rape) { if (human.IsSlave) RapeEffectSlave(human); if (human.Ideo?.IsVeneratedAnimal(partner) ?? false) Find.HistoryEventsManager.RecordEvent(VariousDefOf.SexWithVeneratedAnimal.TaggedEvent(human, tag + HETag.BeenRaped + HETag.Gender(human), partner)); else Find.HistoryEventsManager.RecordEvent(VariousDefOf.SexWithAnimal.TaggedEvent(human, tag + HETag.BeenRaped + HETag.Gender(human), partner)); } else { if (human.Ideo?.IsVeneratedAnimal(partner) ?? false) Find.HistoryEventsManager.RecordEvent(VariousDefOf.SexWithVeneratedAnimal.TaggedEvent(human, tag + HETag.Gender(human), partner)); else Find.HistoryEventsManager.RecordEvent(VariousDefOf.SexWithAnimal.TaggedEvent(human, tag + HETag.Gender(human), partner)); } } else if (xxx.is_human(partner)) { if (rape) { if (partner.IsSlave) { Find.HistoryEventsManager.RecordEvent(VariousDefOf.RapedSlave.TaggedEvent(human, tag + HETag.Rape + HETag.Gender(human), partner)); Find.HistoryEventsManager.RecordEvent(VariousDefOf.WasRapedSlave.TaggedEvent(partner, tag + HETag.BeenRaped + HETag.Gender(partner), human)); RapeEffectSlave(partner); } else if (partner.IsPrisoner) { Find.HistoryEventsManager.RecordEvent(VariousDefOf.RapedPrisoner.TaggedEvent(human, tag + HETag.Rape + HETag.Gender(human), partner)); Find.HistoryEventsManager.RecordEvent(VariousDefOf.WasRapedPrisoner.TaggedEvent(partner, tag + HETag.BeenRaped + HETag.Gender(partner), human)); partner.guest.will = Math.Max(0, partner.guest.will - 0.2f); } else { Find.HistoryEventsManager.RecordEvent(VariousDefOf.Raped.TaggedEvent(human, tag + HETag.Rape + HETag.Gender(human), partner)); Find.HistoryEventsManager.RecordEvent(VariousDefOf.WasRaped.TaggedEvent(partner, tag + HETag.BeenRaped + HETag.Gender(partner), human)); } } else { HistoryEventDef sexevent = GetSexHistoryDef(sextype); if (sexevent != null) { Find.HistoryEventsManager.RecordEvent(sexevent.TaggedEvent(human, tag + HETag.Gender(human), partner)); Find.HistoryEventsManager.RecordEvent(sexevent.TaggedEvent(partner, tag + HETag.Gender(partner), human)); //if (sexevent == VariousDefOf.PromiscuousSex) //{ // human.records.AddTo(SexperienceDefOf.Lust, 1.0f* RJWUtility.LustIncrementFactor(human.records.GetValue(SexperienceDefOf.Lust))); // partner.records.AddTo(SexperienceDefOf.Lust, 1.0f * RJWUtility.LustIncrementFactor(partner.records.GetValue(SexperienceDefOf.Lust))); //} } } } } public static void RapeEffectSlave(Pawn victim) { Need_Suppression suppression = victim.needs.TryGetNeed(); if (suppression != null) { Hediff broken =; if (broken != null) suppression.CurLevel += 0.3f * broken.Severity + 0.05f; else suppression.CurLevel += 0.05f; } } /// /// only for non-violate human sex /// /// /// /// /// public static HistoryEventDef GetSexHistoryDef(xxx.rjwSextype sextype) { switch (sextype) { case xxx.rjwSextype.None: case xxx.rjwSextype.MechImplant: default: return null; case xxx.rjwSextype.Vaginal: return VariousDefOf.VaginalSex; case xxx.rjwSextype.Anal: case xxx.rjwSextype.Rimming: return VariousDefOf.AnalSex; case xxx.rjwSextype.Oral: case xxx.rjwSextype.Fellatio: case xxx.rjwSextype.Cunnilingus: return VariousDefOf.OralSex; case xxx.rjwSextype.Masturbation: case xxx.rjwSextype.Boobjob: case xxx.rjwSextype.Handjob: case xxx.rjwSextype.Footjob: case xxx.rjwSextype.Fingering: case xxx.rjwSextype.MutualMasturbation: return VariousDefOf.MiscSex; case xxx.rjwSextype.DoublePenetration: case xxx.rjwSextype.Scissoring: case xxx.rjwSextype.Fisting: case xxx.rjwSextype.Sixtynine: return VariousDefOf.PromiscuousSex; } } } /// /// Set prefer sextype using precepts /// [HarmonyPatch(typeof(SexUtility), "DetermineSexScores")] public static class RJW_Patch_DetermineSexScores { public static void Postfix(Pawn pawn, Pawn partner, bool rape, bool whoring, Pawn receiving, List __result) { Ideo ideo = pawn.Ideo; if (ideo != null) PreceptSextype(ideo, pawn.GetStatValue(xxx.sex_drive_stat), __result, 0); ideo = partner.Ideo; if (!rape && ideo != null) PreceptSextype(ideo, pawn.GetStatValue(xxx.sex_drive_stat), __result, 1); } public static void PreceptSextype(Ideo ideo, float sexdrive, List result, int offset) { float mult = 8.0f * Math.Max(0.3f, 1 / Math.Max(0.01f, sexdrive)); if (ideo.HasPrecept(VariousDefOf.Sex_VaginalOnly)) { result[0 + offset] *= mult; } else if (ideo.HasPrecept(VariousDefOf.Sex_AnalOnly)) { result[2 + offset] *= mult; result[6 + offset] *= mult; } else if (ideo.HasPrecept(VariousDefOf.Sex_OralOnly)) { result[4 + offset] *= mult; result[8 + offset] *= mult; } else if (ideo.HasPrecept(VariousDefOf.Sex_Promiscuous)) { result[10 + offset] *= mult; result[20 + offset] *= mult; result[24 + offset] *= mult; result[26 + offset] *= mult; } } } [HarmonyPatch(typeof(SexAppraiser), "would_fuck", new Type[] { typeof(Pawn), typeof(Pawn), typeof(bool), typeof(bool), typeof(bool) })] public static class RJW_Patch_would_fuck { public static void Postfix(Pawn fucker, Pawn fucked, bool invert_opinion, bool ignore_bleeding, bool ignore_gender, ref float __result) { if (xxx.is_human(fucker)) { Ideo ideo = fucker.Ideo; if (ideo != null) { if (fucker.IsIncest(fucked)) { if (ideo.HasPrecept(VariousDefOf.Incestuos_IncestOnly)) __result *= 2.0f; else if (!fucker.relations?.DirectRelationExists(PawnRelationDefOf.Spouse, fucked) ?? false) { if (ideo.HasPrecept(VariousDefOf.Incestuos_Disapproved)) __result *= 0.5f; else if (ideo.HasPrecept(VariousDefOf.Incestuos_Forbidden)) __result *= 0.1f; } } if (fucked.IsAnimal()) { if (ideo.HasPrecept(VariousDefOf.Bestiality_Honorable)) __result *= 2.0f; else if (ideo.HasPrecept(VariousDefOf.Bestiality_OnlyVenerated)) { if (ideo.IsVeneratedAnimal(fucked)) __result *= 2.0f; else __result *= 0.05f; } else if (ideo.HasPrecept(VariousDefOf.Bestiality_Acceptable)) __result *= 1.0f; else __result *= 0.5f; } } } } } [HarmonyPatch(typeof(PawnDesignations_Breedee), "UpdateCanDesignateBreeding")] public static class RJW_Patch_UpdateCanDesignateBreeding { public static void Postfix(Pawn pawn, ref bool __result) { Ideo ideo = pawn.Ideo; if (ideo != null && ideo.HasMeme(VariousDefOf.Zoophile)) { SaveStorage.DataStore.GetPawnData(pawn).CanDesignateBreeding = true; __result = true; } } } [HarmonyPatch(typeof(Hediff_BasePregnancy), "PostBirth")] public static class RJW_Patch_PostBirth { public static void Postfix(Pawn mother, Pawn father, Pawn baby) { if (!mother.IsAnimal()) { //baby.SetFactionDirect(baby.GetFactionUsingPrecept()); baby.SetFaction(baby.GetFactionUsingPrecept(out Ideo ideo)); baby.ideo?.SetIdeo(ideo); if (baby.Faction == Find.FactionManager.OfPlayer && !baby.IsSlave) baby.guest?.SetGuestStatus(null, GuestStatus.Guest); } } } }