<li>creation(tag=meme_Zoophile) ->[deity0_name] loves breeding with beasts.</li>
<li>episode(uses=1,tag=meme_Zoophile) ->[deity0_name] said to all, "Sigmar forbids this!"</li>
<!-- ideological founder -->
<li>setup(tag=meme_Zoophile) ->Someday, [founderName] was so horny that accidentally fucked with an animal and loved it. </li>
<li>story(uses=1,tag=meme_Zoophile) ->For spreading animals, [founderName] started to breed with animals.</li>
<!-- ideological lesson -->
<li>lessonIntro(tag=meme_Zoophile) ->Someday, i had sex with animal. It was much better than humans!</li>
<li>lesson(tag=meme_Zoophile) ->Only the animals can satisfy me.</li>
<li>lessonReinforcement(tag=meme_Zoophile) ->Breed with animals. It is the eternal hapiness.</li>
<!-- archist -->
<li>archistBasis(tag=meme_Zoophile) ->Archists are always seeking ultimate pleasure.</li>
<li>archistFact(tag=meme_Zoophile) ->That was breeding with animals.</li>
<li>archistProphecy(tag=meme_Zoophile) ->[inTheEnd], the archotechs will finally unlock the interspecies breeding, so that they may lead ultimate pleasure.</li>
<!-- animist -->
<li>animistFact(tag=meme_Zoophile) ->The most powerful spirits are those of beasts, and spirits of beasts will be restless unless beasts rule.</li>
<li>animistProphecy(tag=meme_Zoophile) ->[itIsSaid] that a powerful spirit of destruction will seek to end the universe, but that a human-born beast will wield the spirit of the [relic0_name] and destroy the destroyer.</li>
<li>archistProphecy(tag=meme_Rapist) ->[inTheEnd], the rapists never stop raping.</li>
<!-- animist -->
<li>animistFact(tag=meme_Rapist) ->The most powerful spirits are those of rapists, and spirits of rapists will rape all.</li>
<li>animistProphecy(tag=meme_Rapist) ->[itIsSaid] that a powerful spirit of destruction will seek to end the universe, but that a million-raped rapist will wield the spirit of the [relic0_name] and rape the destroyer.</li>