#!/usr/bin/python3 """ Planet is an improved launcher for Minecraft Pi Edition: Reborn, inspired by gMCPIL, jMCPIL, MCPIL and MCPIL-R. Copyright (C) 2022 Alexey Pavlov Copyright (C) 2022 Red-Exe-Engineer Copyright (C) 2022 Bigjango13 This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see . """ # Built-in modules import import sys import os import random from datetime import date import json import pathlib import gettext #LOCALE = os.getenv("LANG", "en") # Define the path used for later absolute_path = pathlib.Path(__file__).parent.absolute() # run only if it's in a deb file if str(absolute_path).startswith("/usr/bin"): absolute_path = "/usr/lib/planet-launcher/" # Make the launcher import local files sys.path.append(absolute_path) if os.path.exists("/usr/lib/planet-launcher/"): sys.path.append("/usr/lib/planet-launcher/") # Local imports import launcher from splashes import SPLASHES # PyQt5 imports from PyQt5.QtCore import * from PyQt5.QtWidgets import * from PyQt5.QtGui import * from PyQt5.QtWebKit import * from PyQt5.QtWebKitWidgets import * # Additional imports import qdarktheme # Dark style for PyQt5 import pypresence # Discord RPC from PIL import Image import darkdetect import editpi as mcpiedit import mcpit # Load dark theme dark_stylesheet = qdarktheme.load_stylesheet() USER = os.getenv("USER") # Get the username, used for later if USER == "root": raise Exception("Don't run Planet as root.") # Create the mods directory if it does not exist if not os.path.exists(f"/home/{USER}/.planet-launcher/mods"): os.makedirs(f"/home/{USER}/.planet-launcher/mods") if not os.path.exists(f"/home/{USER}/.minecraft-pi/overrides/images/mob/"): os.makedirs(f"/home/{USER}/.minecraft-pi/overrides/images/mob/") # if os.path.exists(f"/home/{USER}/.gmcpil.json"): # with open(f"/home/{USER}/.gmcpil.json") as f: # DEFAULT_FEATURES = json.loads(f.read())["features"] # else: # TODO: Add a tab with a button to import features from gMCPIL if darkdetect.isDark(): theme = "dark" else: theme = "light" class ConfigPluto(QDialog): """Startup configurator for Planet. Based on QDialog.""" def __init__(self): super().__init__() # Remove the window bar self.setWindowFlag(Qt.FramelessWindowHint) layout = QVBoxLayout() # Real layout used by the widger titlelayout = QGridLayout() # Layout for the title # Load the logo pixmap logopixmap = QPixmap(f"{absolute_path}/assets/img/full/logo512.png").scaled( 100, 100, Qt.KeepAspectRatio ) # Create the name label namelabel = QLabel("Pluto Wizard") logolabel = QLabel() # label used for the logo logolabel.setPixmap(logopixmap) # Load the pixmap into the label logolabel.setAlignment(Qt.AlignRight) # Align right font = namelabel.font() # This font is just used to set the size font.setPointSize(30) namelabel.setFont(font) # Apply the font to the label namelabel.setAlignment(Qt.AlignLeft) # Align left titlelayout.addWidget(logolabel, 0, 0) # Add the logo into the layout titlelayout.addWidget(namelabel, 0, 1) # Add the name into the layout titlewidget = QWidget() # Fake widget that takes the title layout titlewidget.setLayout(titlelayout) # Set the layout # Label with information info_label = QLabel( self.tr( 'Please select the executable you downloaded.\nIf you installed a DEB, please select the "Link" option' ) ) self.executable_btn = QPushButton(self.tr("Select executable")) # Button for AppImage self.executable_btn.clicked.connect( self.get_appimage ) # Connect to the function self.premade_btn = QPushButton( self.tr("Link /usr/bin/minecraft-pi-reborn-client") ) # Button for Pre-installed debs self.premade_btn.clicked.connect(self.link_appimage) # Connect to the function # self.flatpak_btn = QPushButton(self.tr("Link flatpak")) # Button for linking flatpak # self.flatpak_btn.clicked.connect(self.link_flatpak) # Connect to the function # Adding things to widgets layout.addWidget(titlewidget) layout.addWidget(info_label) layout.addWidget(self.executable_btn) layout.addWidget(self.premade_btn) # layout.addWidget(self.flatpak_btn) self.setLayout(layout) # Functions below are related to window movement def mousePressEvent(self, event): if event.button() == Qt.LeftButton: self.moveFlag = True self.movePosition = event.globalPos() - self.pos() self.setCursor(QCursor(Qt.OpenHandCursor)) event.accept() def mouseMoveEvent(self, event): if Qt.LeftButton and self.moveFlag: self.move(event.globalPos() - self.movePosition) event.accept() def mouseReleaseEvent(self, event): self.moveFlag = False self.setCursor(Qt.ArrowCursor) def get_appimage(self): self.hide() # Hide the dialog # Open the file dialog self.filename = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName( self, self.tr("Select executable"), "/", "Executable files (*.AppImage *.bin *.sh *)", ) def link_appimage(self): self.hide() # hide the dialog # Link the executable with the AppImage os.symlink( "/usr/bin/minecraft-pi-reborn-client", f"/home/{USER}/.planet-launcher/minecraft.AppImage", ) self.filename = list() # Make a fake list self.filename.append( False ) # Append False to the fake list. See end of file for more info def link_flatpak(self): script_text = ( "#!/bin/bash\nflatpak run com.thebrokenrail.MCPIReborn $1" ) # Script contents with open( f"/home/{USER}/.planet-launcher/minecraft.AppImage", "w" ) as file: # Open the file file.write(script_text) # Write the script text self.filename = list() # Fake list. See function above for more info self.filename.append(False) class Planet(QMainWindow): """Main window class. Contains tabs and everything""" launchfeatures = dict() # Dictionary for custom features env = os.environ.copy() # ENV variables def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.center() try: RPC = pypresence.Presence( 787496148763541505 ) # Try to initialize pypresence and find Discord RPC.connect() # Connect to Discord # Set the RPC Status RPC.update( state=self.tr("Launched with Planet Launcher"), details=self.tr("Minecraft Pi Edition: Reborn"), large_image=random.choice( ["revival", "logo"] ), # Randomly select the logo small_image=random.choice( ["heart", "portal", "multiplayer", "logo", "revival"] ), # Randomly select the tiny image ) except: print( self.tr("Unable to initalize Discord RPC. Skipping.") ) # If it fails, e.g Discord is not found, skip. This doesn't matter much. if not os.path.exists( f"/home/{USER}/.planet-launcher/config.json" ): # Config file does not exist. # Set the configuration variable self.conf = { "username": "StevePi", "options": launcher.get_features_dict( f"/home/{USER}/.planet-launcher/minecraft.AppImage" ), "hidelauncher": True, "profile": "Modded MCPE", "render_distance": "Short", "theme": theme, "discord_rpc": True, "version": "extended_2.3.2", } with open( f"/home/{USER}/.planet-launcher/config.json", "w" ) as file: # Write it to the configuration file file.write(json.dumps(self.conf)) else: with open( f"/home/{USER}/.planet-launcher/config.json" ) as file: # Else, it exists: Read from it. self.conf = json.loads(file.read()) self.setWindowTitle(self.tr("Planet")) # Set the window title self.setWindowIcon( QIcon(f"{absolute_path}/assets/img/full/logo512.png") ) # Set the window icon self.widget = QWidget() self.layout = QStackedLayout() tabs = QTabWidget() # Create the tabs tabs.setTabPosition(QTabWidget.North) # Select the tab position. tabs.setMovable(True) # Allow tab movement. # Tab part. Please check every function for more info play_tab = tabs.addTab(self.play_tab(), self.tr("Play")) # Add the play tab tabs.setTabIcon( play_tab, QIcon(f"{absolute_path}/assets/img/full/logo512.png") ) # Set the icon for the tab features_tab = tabs.addTab( self.features_tab(), self.tr("Features") ) # Add the features tab tabs.setTabIcon( features_tab, QIcon(f"{absolute_path}/assets/img/full/heart512.png") ) # set the icon for the tab servers_tab = tabs.addTab(self.servers_tab(), self.tr("Servers")) # Servers tab tabs.setTabIcon( servers_tab, QIcon(f"{absolute_path}/assets/img/full/portal512.png") ) # Set the icon # mods_tab = tabs.addTab(self.custom_mods_tab(), "Mods") # tabs.setTabIcon(mods_tab, QIcon(f"{absolute_path}/assets/portal512.png")) settings_tab = tabs.addTab(self.settings_tab(), self.tr("Settings")) # Changelog tab tabs.setTabIcon( settings_tab, QIcon(f"{absolute_path}/assets/img/full/wrench512.png") ) self.layout.addWidget(tabs) self.widget.setLayout(self.layout) self.setCentralWidget(self.widget) # Set the central widget to the tabs self.setGeometry( 600, 900, 200, 200 ) # Set the window geometry. Doesn't do much effect from my observations, unfortunartely self.usernameedit.setText( self.conf["username"] ) # Set the username text to the configuration's variant self.profilebox.setCurrentText(self.conf["profile"]) # See top comment self.distancebox.setCurrentText( self.conf["render_distance"] ) # See top comments for feature in self.features: try: if self.conf["options"][feature]: self.features[feature].setCheckState( Qt.Checked ) # Set to checked if the configuration has it to true else: self.features[feature].setCheckState( Qt.Unchecked ) # Else, set it unchecked except KeyError: # May happen on downgrades or upgrades of the Reborn version pass # Hide launcher/Show it depending on the config self.showlauncher.setChecked(self.conf["hidelauncher"]) # Set the features self.set_features() def play_tab(self) -> QWidget: """The main tab, with the main functionality""" layout = QGridLayout() # The layout titlelayout = QGridLayout() # The layout for the title # Load the logo pixmap logopixmap = QPixmap(f"{absolute_path}/assets/img/full/logo512.png").scaled( 100, 100, Qt.KeepAspectRatio # Scale it, but keep the aspect ratio ) logolabel = QLabel() # Label for the pixmap logolabel.setPixmap(logopixmap) # apply the pixmap onto the label logolabel.setAlignment(Qt.AlignRight) # Align the label namelabel = QLabel() # Label for the title # Ester eggs if date.today().month == 4 and date.today().day == 1: namelabel.setText( self.tr("Banana Launcher") ) # If the date is april fish, show the banana easter egg else: if random.randint(1, 100) == 1: namelabel.setText(self.tr("Pluto Launcher")) # a 1/100, Pluto launcher else: namelabel.setText(self.tr("Planet Launcher")) # Else, just set it normal font = namelabel.font() # Font used font.setPointSize(30) # Set the font size namelabel.setFont(font) # Aplly the font onto the label namelabel.setAlignment(Qt.AlignLeft) # Align the label splashlabel = QLabel( f'{random.choice(SPLASHES)}' ) # Label for splash. Uses QSS for color splashlabel.adjustSize() # Adjust the size just in case splashlabel.setAlignment(Qt.AlignHCenter) # Align the label usernamelabel = QLabel( self.tr("Username") ) # Label that is used to direct the line edit self.usernameedit = QLineEdit() # Line Edit for username self.usernameedit.setPlaceholderText(self.tr("StevePi")) # Set ghost value distancelabel = QLabel( self.tr("Render Distance") ) # Label that is used to direct the combo box self.distancebox = QComboBox() self.distancebox.addItems(["Far", "Normal", "Short", "Tiny"]) # Set the values self.distancebox.setCurrentText("Short") # Set the default option profilelabel = QLabel( self.tr("Profile") ) # Label that is used to direct the combo box self.profilebox = QComboBox() self.profilebox.addItems( [ "Vanilla MCPi", "Modded MCPi", "Modded MCPE", "Optimized MCPE", "Custom", ] # Add items into the combo box ) self.profilebox.setCurrentText("Modded MCPE") # Set the current selection self.showlauncher = QRadioButton( self.tr("Hide Launcher") ) # RadioButton used for hiding the launcher self.versionbox = QComboBox() # versions = json.loads(web.get_versions())["versions"] # version_list = list() # for version in versions: # version_list.append(versions[version]) # version_name_list = list() # for version in version_list: # version_name_list.append(version["name"]) # self.versionbox.addItems(version_name_list) # Set the values # self.versionbox.setCurrentText("Short") # Set the default option self.playbutton = QPushButton("Play") # The most powerful button self.playbutton.setCheckable(True) # Allow checking it self.playbutton.clicked.connect( self.launch ) # Connect it to the executing function # Add widgets into the title layout titlelayout.addWidget(logolabel, 0, 0) titlelayout.addWidget(namelabel, 0, 1) titlewidget = QWidget() titlewidget.setLayout(titlelayout) # Apply the layout onto a fake widget layout.addWidget( titlewidget, 0, 0, 2, 5 ) # Apply that widget onto the main layout # All other widgets are applied here layout.addWidget(splashlabel, 2, 0, 1, 6) layout.addWidget(usernamelabel, 3, 0) layout.addWidget(self.usernameedit, 3, 4, 1, 2) layout.addWidget(distancelabel, 4, 0) layout.addWidget(self.distancebox, 4, 4, 1, 2) layout.addWidget(profilelabel, 5, 0) layout.addWidget(self.profilebox, 5, 4, 1, 2) layout.addWidget(self.showlauncher, 6, 4) # layout.addWidget(self.versionbox, 8, 0, 1, 3) layout.addWidget(self.playbutton, 8, 4, 1, 2) widget = QWidget() widget.setLayout(layout) # Apply the layout onto the main widget return widget def features_tab(self) -> QWidget: layout = QVBoxLayout() self.features = dict() # Dictionary used for storing checkboxes for features default_features = launcher.get_features_dict( # Get default feature list f"/home/{USER}/.planet-launcher/minecraft.AppImage" ) for feature in default_features: # Loop in default features checkbox = QCheckBox(feature) # For each feature, create a checkbox # TODO: Fix the error if newer features are added here, or check for them in self.conf if default_features[feature]: # Check if it's checked. If so, check it checkbox.setCheckState(Qt.Checked) else: checkbox.setCheckState(Qt.Unchecked) checkbox.clicked.connect(self.set_features) # Connect saving function self.features[feature] = checkbox # Add the checkbox into the list layout.addWidget(checkbox) # Add the checkbox into the layout fakewidget = QWidget() # Create a fake widget to apply the layout on fakewidget.setLayout(layout) # Apply the layoutonto scroll = QScrollArea() # Add a scoll area scroll.setVerticalScrollBarPolicy( Qt.ScrollBarAlwaysOn ) # Shoe the vertical scroll bar scroll.setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy( Qt.ScrollBarAlwaysOff ) # Hide the horizontak scroll bar scroll.setWidgetResizable( True ) # Allow window resizing and fix itt with the scrollbar scroll.setWidget(fakewidget) # Set the main widget into the scrollbar fakelayout = QGridLayout() fakelayout.addWidget(scroll, 0, 0) # Apply the scrollbar onto the layout widget = QWidget() widget.setLayout(fakelayout) return widget def servers_tab(self) -> QWidget: widget = QWidget() layout = QGridLayout() self.serversedit = QTextEdit() # Create a text editing area if not os.path.exists(f"/home/{USER}/.minecraft-pi/servers.txt"): with open(f"/home/{USER}/.minecraft-pi/servers.txt", "w") as servers: servers.write("pbptanarchy.tk") self.serversedit.textChanged.connect( self.save_servers ) # Connect on change to the save function with open(f"/home/{USER}/.minecraft-pi/servers.txt", "r") as servers: self.serversedit.setPlainText( servers.read() ) # Set the text of the text editing area infolabel = QLabel( # Label with information about the server format self.tr( 'Servers are stored in the format of IP: Port' ) ) layout.addWidget(self.serversedit, 0, 0) # Add the widgets layout.addWidget(infolabel, 6, 0) widget.setLayout(layout) return widget def custom_mods_tab(self) -> QWidget: layout = QVBoxLayout() for mod in os.listdir( f"/home/{USER}/.planet-launcher/mods/" ): # Loop in every mod in the mod directory checkbox = QCheckBox(mod) # Create a checkbox with the mod name checkbox.setCheckState(Qt.Unchecked) # Set it to unchecked layout.addWidget(checkbox) fakewidget = QWidget() fakewidget.setLayout(layout) scroll = QScrollArea() scroll.setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(Qt.ScrollBarAlwaysOn) scroll.setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(Qt.ScrollBarAlwaysOff) scroll.setWidgetResizable(True) scroll.setWidget(fakewidget) fakelayout = QGridLayout() fakelayout.addWidget(scroll, 0, 0) widget = QWidget() widget.setLayout(fakelayout) return widget def changelog_widget(self): web_engine = QWebView() # Create a webview object web_engine.load( QUrl().fromLocalFile(f"{absolute_path}/assets/misc/changelog.html") ) # Load the local file # TODO: Use two different tabs for the webview return web_engine def settings_widget(self): widget = QWidget() layout = QGridLayout() skin_label = QLabel(self.tr("Set the skin")) self.skin_button = QPushButton(self.tr("Select Skin")) self.skin_button.clicked.connect(self.select_skin) config_label = QLabel(self.tr("Reset config")) self.delete_config_button = QPushButton(self.tr("Delete config")) self.delete_config_button.clicked.connect(self.delete_config) appimage_label = QLabel(self.tr("Delete executable")) self.delete_appimage_button = QPushButton(self.tr("Delete")) self.delete_appimage_button.clicked.connect(self.delete_appimage) mcpit_install_label = QLabel(self.tr("Install texture pack")) self.import_mcpit_button = QPushButton(self.tr("Select file")) self.import_mcpit_button.clicked.connect(self.install_texture_pack) mcpit_delete_label = QLabel(self.tr("Delete texture pack")) self.delete_mcpit_button = QPushButton(self.tr("Delete")) self.delete_mcpit_button.clicked.connect(mcpit.erase_pack) layout.addWidget(skin_label, 0, 0) layout.addWidget(self.skin_button, 0, 1) layout.addWidget(config_label, 1, 0) layout.addWidget(self.delete_config_button, 1, 1) layout.addWidget(appimage_label, 2, 0) layout.addWidget(self.delete_appimage_button, 2, 1) layout.addWidget(mcpit_install_label) layout.addWidget(self.import_mcpit_button, 3, 1) layout.addWidget(mcpit_delete_label) layout.addWidget(self.delete_mcpit_button, 4, 1) widget.setLayout(layout) return widget def settings_tab(self): tabs = QTabWidget() tabs.setTabPosition(QTabWidget.South) settings_tab = tabs.addTab(self.settings_widget(), self.tr("General")) changelog_tab = tabs.addTab(self.changelog_widget(), self.tr("Changelog")) editor_tab = tabs.addTab(mcpiedit.NBTEditor(), self.tr("MCPIEdit")) tabs.setTabIcon( settings_tab, QIcon(f"{absolute_path}/assets/img/full/wrench512.png") ) # Set the icon tabs.setTabIcon( changelog_tab, QIcon(f"{absolute_path}/assets/img/full/git.png") ) # Set the icon tabs.setTabIcon( editor_tab, QIcon(f"{absolute_path}/assets/img/full/mcpiedit.png") ) # Set the icon return tabs def import_gmcpil(self): with open(f"/home/{USER}/.gmcpil.json") as f: gmcpil_features = json.loads(f.read())["features"] for feature in gmcpil_features: try: if gmcpil_features[feature]: self.features[feature].setCheckState( Qt.Checked ) # Set to checked if the configuration has it to true self.conf["options"][feature] = True else: self.features[feature].setCheckState( Qt.Unchecked ) # Else, set it unchecked self.conf["options"][feature] = False except KeyError: # May happen on downgrades or upgrades of the Reborn version pass def mousePressEvent(self, event): if event.button() == Qt.LeftButton: self.moveFlag = True self.movePosition = event.globalPos() - self.pos() self.setCursor(QCursor(Qt.OpenHandCursor)) event.accept() def mouseMoveEvent(self, event): if Qt.LeftButton and self.moveFlag: self.move(event.globalPos() - self.movePosition) event.accept() def mouseReleaseEvent(self, event): self.moveFlag = False self.setCursor(Qt.ArrowCursor) def center(self): qr = self.frameGeometry() cp = QDesktopWidget().availableGeometry().center() qr.moveCenter(cp) self.move(qr.topLeft()) def set_features(self): for feature in self.features: if self.features[feature].isChecked(): self.launchfeatures[feature] = True else: self.launchfeatures[feature] = False def save_profile(self): self.set_features() self.conf["username"] = self.usernameedit.text() self.conf["options"] = self.launchfeatures self.conf["render_distance"] = self.distancebox.currentText() self.conf["profile"] = self.profilebox.currentText() self.conf["hidelauncher"] = self.showlauncher.isChecked() with open(f"/home/{USER}/.planet-launcher/config.json", "w") as file: file.write(json.dumps(self.conf)) def save_servers(self): with open(f"/home/{USER}/.minecraft-pi/servers.txt", "w") as file: file.write(self.serversedit.toPlainText()) def select_skin(self): filename = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName( self, self.tr("Select skin file"), "/", "PNG files (*.png)" ) if not filename == "": with open( f"/home/{USER}/.minecraft-pi/overrides/images/mob/char.png", "w" ) as skin: skin.write("quick placeholder") Image.open(filename[0]).crop((0, 0, 64, 32)).convert("RGBA").save( f"/home/{USER}/.minecraft-pi/overrides/images/mob/char.png" ) def install_texture_pack(self): pack = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName( self, self.tr("Select pack file"), "/", "mcpit files (*.mcpit);;PePack files (*.zip *.pepack)", ) if pack[1] == "mcpit files (*.mcpit)": mcpit.mcpit_install(pack[0], False) else: mcpit.pepack_install(pack[0]) def delete_config(self): dialog = QMessageBox() dialog.setWindowTitle(self.tr("Are you sure you want to reset?")) dialog.setText( self.tr( "Are you sure you want to delete the config? This action is unrecoverable." ) ) dialog.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox.Ok | QMessageBox.Abort) dialog.setIcon(QMessageBox.Warning) button = dialog.exec() if button == QMessageBox.Ok: os.remove(f"/home/{USER}/.planet-launcher/config.json") self.hide() sys.exit() def delete_appimage(self): dialog = QMessageBox() dialog.setWindowTitle(self.tr("Are you sure you want to reset?")) dialog.setText( self.tr( "Are you sure you want to delete the AppImage? This action is unrecoverable." ) ) dialog.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox.Ok | QMessageBox.Abort) dialog.setIcon(QMessageBox.Warning) button = dialog.exec() if button == QMessageBox.Ok: os.remove(f"/home/{USER}/.planet-launcher/minecraft.AppImage") self.hide() sys.exit() def launch(self): self.save_profile() if self.profilebox.currentText().lower() == "vanilla mcpi": self.launchfeatures = launcher.get_features_dict( f"/home/{USER}/.planet-launcher/minecraft.AppImage" ) for feature in self.launchfeatures: self.launchfeatures[feature] = False elif self.profilebox.currentText().lower() == "modded mcpi": self.launchfeatures = launcher.get_features_dict( f"/home/{USER}/.planet-launcher/minecraft.AppImage" ) self.launchfeatures["Touch GUI"] = False elif self.profilebox.currentText().lower() == "modded mcpe": self.launchfeatures = launcher.get_features_dict( f"/home/{USER}/.planet-launcher/minecraft.AppImage" ) elif self.profilebox.currentText().lower() == "optimized mcpe": self.launchfeatures = launcher.get_features_dict( f"/home/{USER}/.planet-launcher/minecraft.AppImage" ) self.launchfeatures["Fancy Graphics"] = False self.launchfeatures["Smooth Lightning"] = False self.launchfeatures["Animated Water"] = False self.launchfeatures['Disable "gui_blocks" Atlas'] = False self.env = launcher.set_username(self.env, self.usernameedit.text()) self.env = launcher.set_options(self.env, self.launchfeatures) self.env = launcher.set_render_distance( self.env, self.distancebox.currentText() ) if self.showlauncher.isChecked() == True: self.hide() launcher.run( self.env, f"/home/{USER}/.planet-launcher/minecraft.AppImage" ).wait() else: launcher.run(self.env, f"/home/{USER}/.planet-launcher/minecraft.AppImage") self.show() if __name__ == "__main__": apppath = str() app = QApplication(sys.argv) if os.path.exists(f"/home/{USER}/.planet-launcher/config.json"): with open(f"/home/{USER}/.planet-launcher/config.json") as file: app.setPalette(qdarktheme.load_palette(json.loads(file.read())["theme"])) else: app.setPalette(qdarktheme.load_palette(theme)) locale = QLocale() locale_path = os.path.join("assets", "translations", locale.name()) translator = QTranslator() translator.load("main", locale_path) print(locale_path) #if qVersion() > '4.3.3': app.installTranslator(translator) if not os.path.exists(f"/home/{USER}/.planet-launcher/minecraft.AppImage"): pluto = ConfigPluto() pluto.show() pluto.exec() if pluto.filename[0] == "": sys.exit(-1) elif pluto.filename[0] == False: print("Using /usr/bin as an executable.") else: with open(pluto.filename[0], "rb") as appimage: with open( f"/home/{USER}/.planet-launcher/minecraft.AppImage", "wb" ) as out: out.write(appimage.read()) os.chmod(f"/home/{USER}/.planet-launcher/minecraft.AppImage", 0o755) window = Planet() window.show() app.exec()