diff --color -crB com.discord-base/AndroidManifest.xml com.discord/AndroidManifest.xml *** com.discord-base/AndroidManifest.xml 2021-01-10 03:46:20.558000000 +0300 --- com.discord/AndroidManifest.xml 2021-01-10 05:19:59.766305528 +0300 *************** *** 1,4 **** ! --- 1,4 ---- ! *************** *** 21,32 **** ! ! --- 21,32 ---- ! ! *************** *** 132,138 **** ! --- 132,138 ---- ! *************** *** 156,162 **** ! --- 156,162 ---- ! *************** *** 206,214 **** ! ! --- 206,214 ---- ! ! *************** *** 263,266 **** ! \ No newline at end of file --- 263,266 ---- ! Only in com.discord: AndroidManifest.xml.orig diff --color -crB com.discord-base/res/values/strings.xml com.discord/res/values/strings.xml *** com.discord-base/res/values/strings.xml 2021-01-10 03:45:22.801070512 +0300 --- com.discord/res/values/strings.xml 2021-01-10 05:19:59.772972239 +0300 *************** *** 1914,1920 **** Disconnect !!%1$s!! Disconnect from Voice User has been disconnected from voice. ! Discord Join over 100 million people who use Discord to talk and hang out with communities and friends. Your place to talk discord.gg/ --- 1914,1920 ---- Disconnect !!%1$s!! Disconnect from Voice User has been disconnected from voice. ! CTCNAME Join over 100 million people who use Discord to talk and hang out with communities and friends. Your place to talk discord.gg/ *************** *** 5014,5020 **** Failed to reply to %1$s Replied to %1$s Notification Settings ! Discord "Somebody Playin'" Notifications Notifications, muted --- 5014,5020 ---- Failed to reply to %1$s Replied to %1$s Notification Settings ! CTCNAME "Somebody Playin'" Notifications Notifications, muted *************** *** 6839,6846 **** Subscriptions Suggested Friends Suggestions %1$s, %2$s ! Support Remove all embeds This will remove all embeds on this message for everyone. Remove All Embeds --- 6839,6846 ---- Subscriptions Suggested Friends Suggestions %1$s, %2$s ! Support Video Remove all embeds This will remove all embeds on this message for everyone. Remove All Embeds Only in com.discord/res/values: strings.xml.orig diff --color -crB com.discord-base/smali/com/discord/utilities/captcha/CaptchaHelper$showCaptchaHelpDialog$$inlined$let$lambda$1.smali com.discord/smali/com/discord/utilities/captcha/CaptchaHelper$showCaptchaHelpDialog$$inlined$let$lambda$1.smali *** com.discord-base/smali/com/discord/utilities/captcha/CaptchaHelper$showCaptchaHelpDialog$$inlined$let$lambda$1.smali 2021-01-10 03:45:24.504416295 +0300 --- com.discord/smali/com/discord/utilities/captcha/CaptchaHelper$showCaptchaHelpDialog$$inlined$let$lambda$1.smali 2021-01-10 05:19:59.772972239 +0300 *************** *** 78,84 **** .line 3 new-instance v0, Landroid/content/Intent; ! const-string v1, "https://discord.com/app" .line 4 invoke-static {v1}, Landroid/net/Uri;->parse(Ljava/lang/String;)Landroid/net/Uri; --- 78,84 ---- .line 3 new-instance v0, Landroid/content/Intent; ! const-string v1, "https://gitdab.com/distok/cutthecord/issues/22#issuecomment-82" .line 4 invoke-static {v1}, Landroid/net/Uri;->parse(Ljava/lang/String;)Landroid/net/Uri; diff --color -crB com.discord-base/smali_classes2/com/discord/widgets/settings/WidgetSettings$onViewBound$1$18.smali com.discord/smali_classes2/com/discord/widgets/settings/WidgetSettings$onViewBound$1$18.smali *** com.discord-base/smali_classes2/com/discord/widgets/settings/WidgetSettings$onViewBound$1$18.smali 2021-01-10 03:45:25.444423164 +0300 --- com.discord/smali_classes2/com/discord/widgets/settings/WidgetSettings$onViewBound$1$18.smali 2021-01-10 05:21:01.770054299 +0300 *************** *** 63,69 **** invoke-static {v1, p1}, Lu/m/c/j;->checkNotNullExpressionValue(Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/String;)V ! const-string v2, "https://support.discord.com" const/4 v3, 0x0 --- 63,69 ---- invoke-static {v1, p1}, Lu/m/c/j;->checkNotNullExpressionValue(Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/String;)V ! const-string v2, "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ" const/4 v3, 0x0