const Discord = require('discord.js') //Import Discord API require('discord-inline-reply'); //Import inline replies for Discord API const fetch = require('node-fetch'); //Import the FETCH API module.exports = async (message, author, guild, client) => { const embedhelp = new Discord.MessageEmbed() .setColor("2f3136") .setAuthor("sexbot help panel", client.user.displayAvatarURL()) .setDescription("sexbot is a dumb chatbot that acts like an average discord user.") .addField("» How to use?", 'To talk with me, you just need to mention me in a message.') .addField("» \"Sexbot is too dumb\" - :nerd:", 'Want a more "intelligent" version of sexbot? Mention me and add `chatai` at the beginning of your message.') .addField('» "I don\'t want to mention all the time\" - :nerd:', "You can talk with me on DM's.") .addField("» \"I know how to make sexbot better\" - :nerd:", "We love to hear that! You can [contribute on Github]( :heart:") const embedcommands = new Discord.MessageEmbed() .setColor("YELLOW") .setAuthor("commands", client.user.displayAvatarURL()) .setDescription("sexbot also has some useful commands!\n \n```@sexbot cmd cat - Get a random cat image\n@sexbot cmd captioncat - Generate a cat image that says something\n@sexbot cmd gay - Become gay\n@sexbot poll - Create a poll```\n```@sexbot convert image to gif \n@sexbot convert gif to image \n@sexbot convert video to gif```\n```@sexbot react nerd \n@sexbot react clown \n@sexbot react l \n@sexbot react w ```") message.lineReplyNoMention(embedhelp) }